It will get worse, but it won't be Obama and his cabal that pushes the issue. Like I stated previously, it will be the UN and the New York alcholic cabal that pushes the issue with the UN Global Gun Treaty because Obama will pass the buck to them.
Nothing new on that, Obama has been passing the buck (one way or another) since first elected and continues to do so. His latest buck passing involves the IRS and it's attack on conservative political groups.
Obama claimed that (and it's well documented in the media as much as the media has been pro Obama, where Obama can do no wrong) he had no knowledge of the IRS's focus on conservative political groups, but his aids knew, in fact everyone around him knew and he didn't? Thats bull shitte.
Obama is on board with the UN resolution because it passes the buck and takes the heat off him directly. He's got more than enough on his plate with created crisis of his own doing.
Being an amateur politician in the Whitehouse and blundering along is tantamount to going out in a boat and drilling holes in the bottom to see if it will still float, full of water.... neither work.
The three reasons why Obama got elected to a second term are simply these:
One, Romney was a weak opponent, the Republicans need to actually promote a viable candidate as an opponent or a third party needs to promote a viable candidate. To put in perspective, Hillary Clinton is considering a run in 2014. Clinton is a continuation of Obama's failed and failing doctrine.
Two, the entitlement sector will vote Democrat, no matter what because the 'free cheese. is paramount. Why work when the government gives cell phones, stipends and and allows a living standard above middle class standards, all on the taxpayers dime.
Three, we have a dysfunctional house and senate. They need to get their **** together and actually do something constructive and good for the country instead of just collecting a paycheck and posturing and spending their time worrying about re-election.
The whole country is in a huge hurt and Bernacke keeps on printing money, but thats another subject.