The importance of Camo clothing when hunting Pronghorn?

More important than the camo pattern or shades or lack of camo at all is to NEVER use clothing detergent with UV brighteners. Clothing washed in UV brighteners will glow blue to 4-legged prey. Also, the old sage said: The prey will bolt if it sees you move once or smells you twice or hears you three times. Stealth and being aware of wind movement is more important than wardrobe.
y'all need to be already logged in and ready.

plenty of folks including myself do this. scored a few pounds here and there doing the above.

there has been times where i get a notification on something and in less than a minute it's sold out.

on top of that, you have many many folks trying to buy stuff on the same site, well you get dropped connections, server crashes and a slew of other things happening.

I should add how stupid they can be too. I have had them wind me and come in for a look. Also, after you shoot one you can often look behind you and they will be standing there at 80 yards, staring at you. Still, camo doesn't really matter in my opinion.
lol that's true. More then once I was dressing one critter when I notice one standing about 25-50 yards away watching me. Couple times I set down the knife and picked up the rifle to fill my second tag.
During the rut, all you need is a white handkerchief on the end of an old arrow shaft--- wave it in the air every once in a while and the bucks come running--- its a regular tool I use for bow or muzzle loader hunting
Ah, I tried this once and it did NOT work. But it was in early December, after the rut. Thanks for that important detail. I was wondering why it didn't work for me.
It probably helps…when you're spotting them from a mile away; not sure how much help though. Spot and stalk. Knee pads and heavy leather gloves. CRAWL. Use the terrain to your advantage and get within 1/4 mi. As stated before, NEVER skyline. You can get pretty close to a bedded herd with some discipline. Much harder when they're already spooked. If they are moving or feeding, it's a little easier. Not much though.
I wear Camo, usually something lighter like grasslands, but in reality, I'm pretty sure I've heard them laughing at me. They can read the patch on my hat from a mile. The Camo just feels right when I hunt. Its mostly ceremonial...
:) :) :) Always feel that camo is mostly for the hunter's eyes........really the other hunters' eyes. Ya just gotta look the part in camp. Movement and silhouette are the game spookers in my experience. The earlier comment about "glowing" fabrics probably is important also. Biologist acquaintance explained that game animals have slightly different light spectrum vision. I always wear natural fabrics. The "glow" of a human face is also a spooker as many experience in turkey hunting. And, don't forget to take the store tags off your new camo gear, Mini Pearl.....
If you're hunting with a friend, the two of you should do your best to look like a cow. 😁 only joking. Look like one of the ranch hands.they are used to seeing them.
Maybe take the pleasingly plump gal from down the road to do a sneak behind............ Other neighbor two sections over has a plumped up wifey that he makes wear blaze orange during moose season...... Not being judgmental. Just sharing info and possibilities.
In my opinion.

Camo makes little difference. If you have to rely on camo to break up your outline in the country we hunt antelope in you are already screwed. Antelope eyesight is so good that eliminating line-of-sight and looking at them through the grass and sage, not over it, will allow you to slip in undetected. I wear tough pants with knee pads and leather gloves. I crouch and walk until about to breach line-of-sight. Then crawl on my hands and knees until the cover is too short, then crawl on my belly until I run out of cover. From there, I only move to set up for the shot when they are not looking in my direction. I don't guess it would matter if I was wearing hot pink or zombie green. Eliminating direct line-of-sight is the best way to defeat a pronghorn's threat detection system. Of course, standard wind discipline applies.

Extreme skyline discipline is required. They will pick you out in an instant from virtually any distance if you silhouette yourself.
While mentioning skytlighting yourself, on many occasions I have spotted antelope bucks skytlighting themselves. They lookout from those high vantage points to survey their area often after being spooked from other reasons. Don't forget to look for them up high too
The colour of the cam pattern is moot, animals only see in shades of grey to brown anyway.
We did a 20 year pen observation on Sambar deer here in Australia.
The pen was 30 acres with all natural bush and only a few clearings which were natural, not manmade.
Deer see the blue spectrum, it is like a beacon to them if someone is wearing blue jeans, for example. White is also bad.
Blaze orange, reds, greens and other neutral colours they are unfazed by.
Do not use UV brightener in your laundry washing either. We put mannequins with red checkered shirts and green pants around the enclosure, deer would feed right next to it, put UV brightened clothes the same colours and the deer would not be seen on the game cams in those areas until the clothes were removed.
Same goes with blue jeans whether washed neutrally or with UV brightener.
It was a very interesting study and we learnt a hell of a lot about clothes, scent masking and stalking approach. Regarding stalking, the wind and sudden movement are the key to success.

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