Well-Known Member
So I was wondering what is the minimum energy/velocity needed to have some expansion on the bullet preferable Berger bullets. I searched it out and it seem the bergers are at or around 1600ft/sec but I see alot of post and videos of people shooting to the 1300 and 1500 and futher out killing animals. Running number it seem alot of common rifles will run out of steam in the 800 to 1200 yard range depending on the bullet load and velocity. So on some of the extreme ranges does the bullets expand lets say like at 1000 to 900 ft/lbs of energy/1000ft/sec or... just making 30cal hole in an animal. Anyone recovered bullets and have data/pics? I asked this question on another board and no one has responded. I also just read were the bullets once in the subsonic range, once hitting blastic gel the bullets tumble and exit out.