Ten Point or Ravin Crossbow

Did you leave them cocked back the entire time? Seems strange they could explode with zero pressure on the limbs
Does seem strange that they would explode not being cocked, but there still is lots of stress on the limbs when not cocked.

I have an R5X that I bought when I hurt my shoulder, it is ridiculous how nice it is. I don't like hunting with a x-bow but the last 2 seasons I had to due to injury. Next year hopefully my homemade hickory bow...
Might also check out Mission Sub 1 or Sub1XR. I've got the XR and it's great. This is a 3 shot 100yd group after putting a new set of strings and cables on it (can be done without a bow press).
My example of 1 is a Ravin R26. Very compact and accurate, has a very good trigger system in it. It is loud though when fired. To date, 3 deer with it, all in the 25 to 35 yard range.
My brother has a Ravin r15 and I have a 10pt rs470. They are both very accurate and fast. I like the raven's arrow rest vs the rail system found on most bows. But the Ravin is a fair bit louder than my 10pt and my 10pt is faster.
I would go handle both at the store and see which one floats your boat. I also wouldn't buy a bow that shoots faster than 450fps due to reliability issues. No fan of Excalibur here.