I drew my first Deer A license for Montana. Also applied for a Deer B and Antelope, have to wait and see if I get drawn for either of those. Since I will be driving 11 hours to hunt with a farmer, I figure I might as well make it worth the drive. Since he farms about 10,000 acres and probably has access to 10 times that amount of land, we should have a pretty good opportunity to score. He and his family are meat hunters, so if we can find a gnarly old buck, I will probably get the opportunity, since they prefer younger more tender animals. I am leaving saturday to visit and hopefully eliminate a couple of thousand gophers over the span of 3 days. Your basic win-win. Fewer gophers eating wheat, much practice shooting at all ranges with a variety of rifles and even .22 handguns for the really close ones. I love Montana!