Target Camera


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2020
Who uses a target camera system for long range shooting? I Just got access to a 1000 yard range and am considering the Longshot 2 mile camera system but wanted to see what is being used. I tried searching the forum but it does not let me view the posts. Let me know your thoughts on any camera system you have used.
this looks like a good one to consider . it seems to have great customer support . maybe @Deputy819 will let us know how it's been working since his review .

TargetVision LR2 is what I have. Worked fine streaming to I-Pad on bench... but now I see are discontinued.
I don't know why... maybe someone else can chime in.
this looks like a good one to consider . it seems to have great customer support . maybe @Deputy819 will let us know how it's been working since his review .
Hey, Jim! 👍
@Mrvmax The Eagle Target Camera has been working flawlessly for me since my initial review. I'm limited to 500 yards and haven't experienced ANY 'issues' with the replacement camera. I've been following the guys at Desert Precision Gunworks and it seems they now offer the camera in OD Green and Blaze Orange color configurations. Kinda cool!
Who uses a target camera system for long range shooting? I Just got access to a 1000 yard range and am considering the Longshot 2 mile camera system but wanted to see what is being used. I tried searching the forum but it does not let me view the posts. Let me know your thoughts on any camera system you have used.
No info on camera but congrats on gaining 1000 HD access!
Shooting the GME Sninper Cam, which is supposed to be good to 1000 yards, I have only gone to 300 so far and it works great. I am a member of a range that goes to 1100 yards, but the wonderful wolrd of COVID prevented me getting there to try it yet. .
Been using for a year at 1000 yards. Works great. I got a a pair of stick in the ground orange metal target stakes at sportsmens and use those with a tri-fold white card board 3'x5' from staples as target. Just look at my phone and mark shots as I shoot. Fyi - It is not good for spotting shots if you miss target - video doesnt pick up splash well.


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@Mrvmax——For your consideration: 😉

Who uses a target camera system for long range shooting? I Just got access to a 1000 yard range and am considering the Longshot 2 mile camera system but wanted to see what is being used. I tried searching the forum but it does not let me view the posts. Let me know your thoughts on any camera system you have used.
All the units mentioned below will give great results. Selection is somewhat like scopes. Everyone has their favorite for their own reasons. Long Range offers an upcharge impact "insurance policy". Kinda a "Stupid Warranty" I guess. :) :) :) In reality, that would be nice to have should you impact the camera. However, the best warranty is the one you never make a claim on. Making a warranty claim is a waste of heartbeats, shooting time/range days, and a source of frustration waiting even for a Jimmy Johns fast turn around. Which ever you chose, consider protecting the camera from bullet impact. Heavy AR500 swinging mount plate works well usually. However, we use a AR550 plate angled downward-away deflecting impacts downward into a sand pit bullet stop. Never has filed to protect cameras. Don't let anyone tell you there won't be an impact. The further one shoots, the higher the wind, the greater the "AW ****" probability.
I went ahead and ordered the Longshot 2 mile, I found out they are close to where I live so I decided to go ahead and support a local company. I need to get the warranty with it just in case I am a little off at 1000 yards. Once I have had it a while I will let everyone know how it works.
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