Talk to me about savage 10MLSS-II

If I had it to do all over again using a muzzleloader base, it would be from a Remington 700ml. I shoot both and I like the Remington feel a little better. I have 2 Remington ML's now and I might convert one of them in the future.
If I had it to do all over again using a muzzleloader base, it would be from a Remington 700ml. I shoot both and I like the Remington feel a little better. I have 2 Remington ML's now and I might convert one of them in the future.
Convert as in screw on a new tube capable of handling smokeless powder.

They use the Savage B Plug on a new barrel (couple different barrel makers are making drop in barrels) that gets the powder charge out past the recoil lug. Hunter over on Doug's Message Board makes the nose that will press on the front of the bolt with a new firing pin that will mate up with the Savage B Plug.
I had a good friend who had a 45cal smokeless built that took a brass cartridge to hold a large rifle primer and he hated the thing. He really struggled to get a good fit with the brass.

I personally prefer the 209 primer system.

If you are looking for parts for a build check out Arrowhead Sporting Goods LLC
That is where I bought almost all of the parts for my new 45.
You won't have as long of a wait to get a barrel.
My own opinion on this.

195 grain Barnes expander at 2800fps out of a 45 has less recoil and better ballistics than a 250 or 300 grain bullet out of a 50 at 2200fps. Why would anyone need anything heavier than 195 grain other than for dangerous game?

At black powder speed I think I gain something with a 50 and heavier bullets but when I can push them with smokeless powder I prefer the 45.
This is my opinion but do not buy the Savage ML ll or the ML l for that fact and here is why i say that.

I built one of the smokless muzzloaders earlier this year but mine is not off of the Savage ML action it is a regular Savage bolt action off of a model 11. I ordered a pac nor barrel for it and then put it in a Choate sniper stock. It takes a special breach plug that is made by a guy named Pete.

My friend and neighbor has one (got it after seeing mine) that was built on the Savage ML ll action (got it second hand). He has had it for about 5 months and is now building one like i have. Why you ask. Well its all about the ignition system. The smokless muzzleloaders use fast burning powder and since you are burning rifle powder what better to ignite it than a rifle primer and not a shotgun primer. How much quality control is really in a shotgun primer? I know i would rather have a match rifle primer that i know is going to be consistant igniting the rifle powder.

That being said his gun does shoot pretty good. Not quite as good as mine but pretty good none the less.

Lets look at cost
My set up
Savage Action $250
Pac Nor Barrel $415
Choate Stock $175
Petes breach plug $95
Total cost $935

Cost of his set up when first built
Savage ML ll $600
Pac nor barrel $415
pillar bed stock and add third pillar and bolt lock $200
Total cost $1215

Cost of new gun
Savage ML ll $600-700

in my mind you cant go wrong with buying the components and putting it together.

These are .45 caliber Muzzleloaders which are better in my opinion than the 50

I am shooting th 200g SST at almost 2800fps with a ES of 13fps and have hit targets out as far as 540 yards with it please show me another muzzleloader for under $1000 that can do that.

If you would like any more info about my set up please let me know i will leave you with a pic of mine and a group shot at 300 yards.


If I could use smokeless powder in michigan i would buy one like your gun today!
It's hard to go wrong with the Savage or a 700ML conversion.

A 700ML conversion to a Pac-Nor barrel can be done for under $600 + the cost of an action & good stock. This gets you into pretty much the ultimate MZ.
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