Swift Scirocco II


Sep 12, 2011
Does anyone have experience with the Swift Scirocco II on Elk up close, or at long range? I know I'm in Berger country here, but the Swift appears to be a well constructed bullet with a really nice b/c. It would be nice if they would make a 200gr for the 300 RUM's.
I think that it is an exceptional lead core bullet. My experience with it is only in the 6.5mm on elk out to 375 yards. Always 82% weight retention with perfect flat front mushroom. These elk were shot with my son's 6.5-06.

Yes it would be nice if they had a 200g offering for the .308.

Does anyone have experience with the Swift Scirocco II on Elk up close, or at long range? I know I'm in Berger country here, but the Swift appears to be a well constructed bullet with a really nice b/c. It would be nice if they would make a 200gr for the 300 RUM's.

Scirocco is a good design, and should work well. I have never been able to get them to shot as accurately as other "Premium" hunting bullets. I think there is too much jacket compared to the lead core. The Nosler Accubond is very similar and I have had better luck with accuracy using it. I always prefer to have my bullets pass completely through a animal with good expansion.

The whole BERGER thing is about high BC and 1000+ yard shooting. A lot of people apply what the extreme distance shooters do (rightfully so) to their 500 yard shooting. Bergers are not a quality hunting bullet with penetration and uniform expansion as there first priority IMO. Similar to the Sierra Match Kings. Sure they will work, but will they do it as consistently and repeatably like a Partition, Core Lokt, Swift, etc.? I don't think so.

I was shooting bulk Remington 180 Core Lokt's yesterday at 1000 yards. They were just as accurate as the 190VLD Hunting I was shooting except for the wind. The wind would cause the Core Lokt to move 2-3 times as much as the VLD, and I had to put in 8' more elevation adjustment. If I was going to actually shoot at a animal at 1000 yards in those conditions no question the VLD. Had it been at 500 yards then no question the Core Lokt.

The bullet thing is Ford v. Chevy, but there are certain ones that always stand out as performers. Boss Mustangs, Corvette 427's.

LOL...enjoy the variables of shooting sports.
Scirocco is a good design, and should work well. I have never been able to get them to shot as accurately as other "Premium" hunting bullets. I think there is too much jacket compared to the lead core. The Nosler Accubond is very similar and I have had better luck with accuracy using it. I always prefer to have my bullets pass completely through a animal with good expansion.

The whole BERGER thing is about high BC and 1000+ yard shooting. A lot of people apply what the extreme distance shooters do (rightfully so) to their 500 yard shooting. Bergers are not a quality hunting bullet with penetration and uniform expansion as there first priority IMO. Similar to the Sierra Match Kings. Sure they will work, but will they do it as consistently and repeatably like a Partition, Core Lokt, Swift, etc.? I don't think so.

I was shooting bulk Remington 180 Core Lokt's yesterday at 1000 yards. They were just as accurate as the 190VLD Hunting I was shooting except for the wind. The wind would cause the Core Lokt to move 2-3 times as much as the VLD, and I had to put in 8' more elevation adjustment. If I was going to actually shoot at a animal at 1000 yards in those conditions no question the VLD. Had it been at 500 yards then no question the Core Lokt.

The bullet thing is Ford v. Chevy, but there are certain ones that always stand out as performers. Boss Mustangs, Corvette 427's.

LOL...enjoy the variables of shooting sports.

Yep. Rifles that like them shoot them very well. They can tend to be a bit finiky.
The swift is the best on game performing lead core hunting bullet on the market . The hard copper jacket makes it a little harder to get to shoot well but I have several rifles that shoot it great. That jacket helps give the bullet the performance though. If your gun likes them it is a terrific choice. The bc is plenty good enough to get you half mile kills.
I found the 180 .308's to have big variations in bearing surface and I had very inconsistent results with accuracy. I bought them based on the higher bc and some favorable reviews to do with hunting results. I was hoping to extend the range in my 300wsm shooting 180 tsx's and ended up using about 90 of them trying different loads and then retesting somewhat promising loads only to find that I could not make the groups repeat themselves. After becoming frustrated I measured the bearing surfaces and saw that they varied alot. I went to the new Barnes lrx and am real happy with those - except for the price tag. If you are wanting to shoot long range for hunting they may not be the best choice but you may find different than I did. I never did try them on game though. I'm not trying to trash them at all just sharing my experience. For what it's worth I couldn't get them under 2 inches consistently at 200 yards- they averaged about 3.5 inches
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