Swift bullets

Tough to beat Sciroccos as a hunting bullet. They are tougher than the other tipped bonded lead core bullets and have decent bc's. I am willing to sacrifice some bc to get a bullet that will hold together when it hits bone. I also want a bullet that will hold together if the shot is close because even though I practice out to 800 yards, most shots are inside of 300. I shot an oryx last fall and due to their anatomy their organs sit farther forward in the chest protected by the shoulder. You have to shoot them in the shoulder for best effect. I have attached two images of the recovered bullet which was a 180 grain with a muzzle velocity of 2950 from a 300 WSM and impact was right a 300 yards. This is the fist Scirocco I have ever recovered from an animal as they usually pass through. Weight retention here was 60% (108 grains) which is not overly impressive. However, this bullet penetrated both shoulders and was in the muscle in the off shoulder on a BIG TOUGH animal that often takes multiple shots to break down. The Scirocco dropped him in his tracks.

My only complaint against the Scirocco is that I wished they had more options for bullet weights for a given caliber (especially heavy for caliber). For my rifles that I would hunt and shoot 600 yards or less, this is my go to bullet. Make sure you give them plenty of jump and they will shoot well enough to almost rival target bullets (picture of 3 shot group is this same 300WSM @100 yards off bags).

*On a side note- the new Federal Edge TLR bullet is on my radar and at first blush, it may be the ultimate long range hunting bullet (combo of bc and toughness) if it shoots well. Just waiting for components to hit the shelves which should hopefully be before this summer....


  • Scirocco II expansion.JPG
    Scirocco II expansion.JPG
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  • Scirocco II.JPG
    Scirocco II.JPG
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  • Scirocco group.jpg
    Scirocco group.jpg
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