Suppressor effect questions

Velocity will increase, usually i get better accuracy with a can on. If you're switching the can around you'll have problems with a dancing zero. If it doesnt go on in the exact same place every time things change. Heres where you get hooked. You'll want a can on every rifle you own. I dont get much poi shift on the smaller calibers up to say .308. You can run max loads with no issues.

Well just about all of the cans I like and the one I own use a QD type system. Reason I picked Surefire was due to the extensive testing the SOCOM model went though with the military which they eventually won the contract. The Surefire has a pretty nice QD type mount which allows for repeatability when mounting. There is a index key the suppressor must snap into before locking it down, it's pretty stout. Do any of you use the QD type or direct thread type?
I noticed a walking up of shots as my can heats too. First cold bore shot is usually dead on. If I wait a little bit it stays dead on. If I pound rounds it walks up a little. I have only noticed this on my proof creed. I haven't shot my prc enough yet to document change
I noticed a walking up of shots as my can heats too. First cold bore shot is usually dead on. If I wait a little bit it stays dead on. If I pound rounds it walks up a little. I have only noticed this on my proof creed. I haven't shot my prc enough yet to document change

I'm glad to know I'm not alone with that - thanks!
Well just about all of the cans I like and the one I own use a QD type system. Reason I picked Surefire was due to the extensive testing the SOCOM model went though with the military which they eventually won the contract. The Surefire has a pretty nice QD type mount which allows for repeatability when mounting. There is a index key the suppressor must snap into before locking it down, it's pretty stout. Do any of you use the QD type or direct thread type?

Having worked with several QD systems, I prefer direct thread now. It's just more consistent and weighs less. I like the Rugged mount the most of what I've used and the AAC 51T the least. I'm interested in the Q system, but I don't have plans to buy anything but direct thread cans in the future. That said, I know a couple of professional riflemen who get by just fine with their Surefire SOCOM setup.
Well just about all of the cans I like and the one I own use a QD type system. Reason I picked Surefire was due to the extensive testing the SOCOM model went though with the military which they eventually won the contract. The Surefire has a pretty nice QD type mount which allows for repeatability when mounting. There is a index key the suppressor must snap into before locking it down, it's pretty stout. Do any of you use the QD type or direct thread type?
I use thunderbeast ultra 7 qd. It seems to time right back to original spot each time.
Having worked with several QD systems, I prefer direct thread now. It's just more consistent and weighs less. I like the Rugged mount the most of what I've used and the AAC 51T the least. I'm interested in the Q system, but I don't have plans to buy anything but direct thread cans in the future. That said, I know a couple of professional riflemen who get by just fine with their Surefire SOCOM setup.

I'm interested in the YHM QD as well. I've read numerous positive reviews and they're affordable. Affordability is not always the best though.
I'm all direct thread but I have several cans and I dont like to swap them around if at all possible. I have just one I move around on my goof off guns like my bolt 223s and a Grendel. My guns for serious social work never get the cans removed. We used a lot of the 51T and Surefire in the military but those cans stayed on all the time and they didnt encourage removing them so those two are the extent of my experience with QD systems. I just don't see buying several dozen of the same mounts so I can swap them around. I'm a little unique in that I have the equipment and ability to machine my own stuff so my opinion may not carry much import.
I recently picked up my new Surefire SOCOM300 gen2 after a 9 month wait. Being a rookie to the suppressed rifle shooting I have some questions I was hoping I could get some help with here. My POI shift is about 2" low at 100 yards on the 2 different loads I shot out of 2 different rifles of 2 different calibers. I was curious if this is due to decreased MV or is it due to the added weight of the suppressor and the changing of barrel harmonics? I did not have my Magnettospeed with me to test MV but I will check MV this weekend. I'm hoping the shift is due to the increased weight and change to barrel harmonics.

Secondly, does a load need to be developed to be shot suppressed? For instance if shooting a load towards the "max load" does one need to be concerned about increased pressures? Does a suppressed rifle increase pressure in a bolt action rifle?

Any tips are appreciated and thanks in advance for the answers and help.


There's a ton of info about this online. Google it. Suppressor effect on POI. It's real, both on and off gun.
Most professional shooters leave the can on the rifle just got this reason.

Enjoy! Cans are a kick
There's a ton of info about this online. Google it. Suppressor effect on POI. It's real, both on and off gun.
Most professional shooters leave the can on the rifle just got this reason.

Enjoy! Cans are a kick
Google is great but the OP is smart to come here. The info on here is generally way more experience based and trustworthy in my opinion.
As everyone said you'll likely have some POI shift suppressor vs no suppressor. What you want to throughly test is that the POI shift is repeatable. I have several rifles that have no noticeable POI shift and I have one that shifts almost 9" every rifle is different. You should, as mentioned pick up a few FPS in most cases, if your loosing MV I would absolutely stop shooting it because something ain't right.

FWIW "I heard" suppressors improve accuracy by reducing some of the initial turbulence as the bullet leaves the muzzle. So where crown is really important unsuppressed maybe it's less important with a suppressor. It sounds reasonable and I always shoot better suppressed so I have to believe something.

QD vs direct thread changes advantages in consistent POI. Not a believer here that a QD isn't as accurate. I don't have a direct thread so I can't compare but here is the target I shot this weekend (from bottom to top, bottom left was first target) after traveling and installing my Tranquilo. This is typical accuracy for me so while I suck the QD system is probably more accurate than the Indian.

I have similar results with SF cans and I remove both if I'm walking into a stand/blind and not hunting on the way in.
I have a couple cans, no QD ones though. My loads with the suppressor on and off are definitely might surprise you how much different. Do load development with the can on. I personally leave mine on until I need to clean my rifle and then just screw it off and screw it back on. POI is repeatable.

As to the guys who are getting a vertical poi shift when the can and rifle warm up, my wonder would be if it's because your barrel/chamber is hot and heating up your ammo increasing your MV. I've experienced the same thing but only when my gun is hot. If everything is cold/warm POA is POI.
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