Super Slam EBX Ret.

They are very nice scopes. Good glass, very nice turrets, well built, and very durable. I have a couple and like them a lot. They are a tad on the heavy side but you get a very well built scope so I guess you have to compare the benefits.

I haven't used the EBX reticle but have looked at it a few times for a couple guns. It is a lot thinner reticle than most of the pics show which is nice. I think if you like the BDC reticle concept you will like this relatively simple setup.

Below is a pic and some subtention measurements for the EBX.

Scot E.


  • Weaver EBX.pdf
    58.9 KB · Views: 123
They are very nice scopes. Good glass, very nice turrets, well built, and very durable. I have a couple and like them a lot. They are a tad on the heavy side but you get a very well built scope so I guess you have to compare the benefits.

I haven't used the EBX reticle but have looked at it a few times for a couple guns. It is a lot thinner reticle than most of the pics show which is nice. I think if you like the BDC reticle concept you will like this relatively simple setup.

Below is a pic and some subtention measurements for the EBX.

Scot E.

Thanks for the link. It doesn't look too busy & user friendly.
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