Sunday night hogs

I finally got the thermals out and checked the wheat field south of the house around 10pm. Dang if there wasn't a small herd of hogs out in the middle on the east end. About 3/4 miles from me. Grab the 6.8 topped with AGM Secutor and the Deathgrip. I got within 60 yards and let the lead fly. 3 pigs down and one cripple made it to the neighbors. This stuff is too much fun. I also used Pulsar Axiom XM38 for scanning. Very deadly set up.
Someday I'd like to try that !
No pigs up north ! But dang that looks fun
I can't even fathom a hog tag. I have no idea how many I've killed this year and still going.. 7 so far this week
Great thing about TX is they allow vermin reduction for hogs without a hunting license and/or tag. I looked up the laws back in 2001 and since then never bought a license for shooting hogs off the ranch. I researched the TX laws again just this past summer to make sure it was still good, and TX came out with a law on top of the old law saying still no need for a license for shooting hogs, LOL. I estimate I've killed 250 hogs in the past 20yrs.
If CA could tax/require a permit for breathing, it would! Tags are now $25.10 Resident $84.50 Nonresident each. PLUS the license cost. I was around when you could get 5 at a time for $20. To hunt ONE hog on a typical private ranch hunt, plus tags/license, meat processing, is pushing $1000. I only get one every other year or so when I run out of sausage. You could spend the rest of your life hunting them on public and not see one.