Stupid basic Question


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2013
Pearland. TX
I've got a few pistols and semi-autos, but after buying a Bolt action I've hit a wall.. After much wasted GoogleFu, How do you store the bolt while in a soft case????? Leave it in rifle or pull it and wrap it in something? Thanks
I store my bolt actions with the bolt in while in my safe, but usually remove the bolt while I'm transporting my gun to/from hunting or the range. Just my preference.
I've got a few pistols and semi-autos, but after buying a Bolt action I've hit a wall.. After much wasted GoogleFu, How do you store the bolt while in a soft case????? Leave it in rifle or pull it and wrap it in something? Thanks

There are no stupid questions. Just questions you may not have the answer for... yet.

As for storing the bolt, for the most part, I leave mine in the rifle in a fired condition - hold the trigger back while closing the bolt. A couple rifles that I have not used in quite a while nor plan on using (read years) I have the bolt removed and the firing pins stored separately.

Thanks for the info!!! I was some what concerned about transporting, I'm am not the most graceful of people. Didn't wanna bang the handle and kill one of the lugs.
Make sure it is unloaded and leave bolt in place. I personally dry fire mine when storing to take pressure off firing pin spring, that is just my method. Welcome to the site!

Okay, you don't need to dry fire it, but it is good to take pressure off the firing pin and spring. To do this without dry firing, simply:

1) open the bot and verify it is unloaded
2) push the bolt so that is fully forward
3) finally, hold the trigger down as you push the bolt down into the locked position
I have seen several posts over the years of guys looking for bolts for their guns because they take them out of the guns for some ungodly reason. There is no reason to remove the bolt. I'm not sure why you think you can kill a lug with the bolt in. It is the only way to have a rifle. No bolt, you got nothing.
I only take out the bolt for transport to/from the range/hunting area because I sometimes stop at the 7-11 or gas station and if someone were to break into my truck and steal my gun, at least they wouldn't have the bolt. It's a pretty unlikely scenario, but it's my preference. My ammo is transported in my hunting pack, and my bolt is transported in the space under my front seat. Again, this is an unlikely scenario, but it's the way I choose to transport my bolt-action rifle. I store them in my house in my safe with the guns dry-fired.
If anyone has a way that makes better sense to them, I would be glad to hear it, and would gladly reconsider my current choice.
I use to wrap mine and transport it separate, until I left it on the counter at home one time. Now I leave it in. I think this is an individual preference for the most part.
Lol Dave, I think that will happen to me one day and then I'll always keep my bolt in the action! Until then, I'll keep them separated... For what its worth, I have never worried about damaging the bolt or action by keeping them in a soft case during transport. Actions and bolts are stronger than any kind of abuse I can put them through...scopes and mounts now, there's another story......
It's a good question if you ask me.

This is what I do, done for too many years. It gives me a piece of mind.

I keep it in the rifle. Weather I have a rifle bag or rifle case or in a scabbard on horse back or in a rifle hard case for quads... you name it, I keep the bolt in the rifle.

If the rifle is not weatherized (specially in cold temps), I remove the bolt from the rifle at camp and place it in my sleeping bag. That's the only time the bolt is out of the rifle and the rifle is in the tent with me as well as my Glock 40.

When at home clean it up real good, bolt goes back in and the rifle is placed in my Cannon gun safe with protection from humidity.

Many opinions here and that's good because you have where to choose from.

Take care!
I keep the bolt in the rifle with firing pin uncocked (fired). Main reason is, I don't want any foreign objects or debris getting into the chamber. Otherwise, wrapping it separate and placing it in the soft (or hard) case with the rifle would be fine with me.
I have seen several posts over the years of guys looking for bolts for their guns because they take them out of the guns for some ungodly reason. There is no reason to remove the bolt. I'm not sure why you think you can kill a lug with the bolt in. It is the only way to have a rifle. No bolt, you got nothing.

Because I can break" Fool Proof" without even trying. Or I have a Murphy in the wood pile, or S^#T happens.
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