Stockade stocks ??

made to order,,,, I'm impressed
in all the archive searchs I've done, have not found any negative comments about Stockade and nothing but praise for the owner....
I'm waiting on my Savage barreled action to arrive from the gunsmith of Salt Valley.
thanks for the info :D
gave Kevin a call tonight.
everything I've read on the forum is true.
very nice guy to do business with.
need to get order in fast as there is a 3-4 month backlog.

Kevin listened to my needs a made a recommendation better than what I had in mind.

going with the rollover cheek thumbhole :D
received my thumbhole stock from Stockade this week. Very nice.
now if JR Oaks would just finish my Savage barreled action to go in the stock.
Paid JR for the work in December, was supposed to be a two week turn around. Still waiting.. JR seldom responds to emails or voice messages on his phone. Has a website called Salt Valley Arms.
learned a valuable lesson.
should only deal with reputible gun smiths who advertise on this website.

You may want to talk to Kevin at Stockade and find out if he can turn your barreled action around sooner.
Tell him what you have gone through and he may be able to accommodate you.
I had to pull a rifle back from a well known gunsmith that had it for several months and didn't bother to look at it. My two weeks turned into 6 months and I was told every other week when I called that it would be done next week. Turned out the problem was the twist rate was too slow and wouldn't stabilize the bullets I was shooting.
Knowing what I know now I could have resolved the problem in a few minutes.
you're right on
didn't know I could have gotten Kevin to do the barreled action or that is exactly what I would have done,
unfortunately, I'd already closed the deal on the barreled action with JR Oaks.
Last communication he returned was an email April 13 saying he'd be home the next day and finish, ship and email the tracking number.
since then no response to emails, texts and voicemail. Said all he like was polishing the barrel (previous response was in January and all he liked was 'sandblasting' the barrel)
so, maybe someday
Here is my stockade with the adjustable cheek piece.
The scope is a NF 8-32x56.
This is an awesome set up. 7WSM with a Benchmark barrel and a real tack driver. It doesn't take much effort to shoot 1/2" groups at 200 yards.
The stock was really easy to finish. I used the icing stuff that Kevin recommends and only spent a couple hours on it. The paint is Rustoleum multicolor textured paint rattle can. The brown paint on the cheek piece is not textured.
It started off life as a Savage model 16 and now shoots almost as good as my custom Remington 700 6mmbr.
I'm not really happy with the muzzle brake but it does reduce the recoil quite a bit. I was hoping to be able see impacts at long range but I can't.

Here is my stockade with the adjustable cheek piece.
The scope is a NF 8-32x56.
This is an awesome set up. 7WSM with a Benchmark barrel and a real tack driver. It doesn't take much effort to shoot 1/2" groups at 200 yards.
The stock was really easy to finish. I used the icing stuff that Kevin recommends and only spent a couple hours on it. The paint is Rustoleum multicolor textured paint rattle can. The brown paint on the cheek piece is not textured.
It started off life as a Savage model 16 and now shoots almost as good as my custom Remington 700 6mmbr.
I'm not really happy with the muzzle brake but it does reduce the recoil quite a bit. I was hoping to be able see impacts at long range but I can't.

Who did your muzzle brake for you?
Looks like a Stockade brake. My guess, especially since Kevin did all the other work.
GG you are correct, Kevin did the metal work. The fit and finish is very good. It is hard to tell where the muzzle brake starts and the barrel ends.
Kevin is an awesome guy.
A huge help in many different ways.
I had a problem with my AR and I called him and we discussed what was happening and I was able to fix the problem myself with some dremel tool action.
I had a problem with the rifle in the picture and we spent several hours on the phone at different times. It appeared to be ignition problems.
I ended up sending it back to Kevin and the firing pin spring was weak causing poor ignition. $150.00 for the spring and trueing of the action.
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