Stock suggestions?

In my experience the manners stocks are heavier than they advertise. Love their stocks. McMillan stocks seem to be closer to advertised weights. I have been using more mcmillans lately. Not as much lead time and are easier for me to open up if needed. Manners stocks just have the best aesthetics though. They look sweet.
I have a Manners EH1 and a T2A. I like the T2A but it is heavy for a hunting stock.
I also have a McMillan A-3 Sporter which is really nice. I just picked up the new McMillan Game Hunter and have to say it is a perfect hunting stock for me. The palm swell and LoP are spot on. When I shoulder the weapon, my eye is perfectly aligned with my NXS in medium rings. It's also very lightweight. All of my new hunting rifles will wear this stock.

Call Eric at AxisWorks. He had some in stock ready for fitment or shipment.
They have gotten slightly better about their listed weights. Everything I have quoted has been from a stock I own and weighed. Talk about furious when I took delivery of my first eh1A and it weighed almost 4.5lbs

In my experience the manners stocks are heavier than they advertise. Love their stocks. McMillan stocks seem to be closer to advertised weights. I have been using more mcmillans lately. Not as much lead time and are easier for me to open up if needed. Manners stocks just have the best aesthetics though. They look sweet.
Looking for a little insight from you fellas. Wondering what light-mid weight midrange hunting stock you boys prefer. Has to be able to fit a tikka action? Been thinking either a manners eh1 or 5, or maybe ag composites but don't see much on them? What do you boys light. Trying to keep the build light yet solid.
Manners EH one for sure
i have a EH1 and love it so far. manners was great to work with and setup the stock exactly with what i needed. i did the bdl chassis.
I have a Manners EH1 and a T2A. I like the T2A but it is heavy for a hunting stock.
I also have a McMillan A-3 Sporter which is really nice. I just picked up the new McMillan Game Hunter and have to say it is a perfect hunting stock for me. The palm swell and LoP are spot on. When I shoulder the weapon, my eye is perfectly aligned with my NXS in medium rings. It's also very lightweight. All of my new hunting rifles will wear this stock.

Call Eric at AxisWorks. He had some in stock ready for fitment or shipment.

do you have the Mcmillan game warden or game scout. What is it about the eh1 you don't like as much as the game warden or t2?
do you have the Mcmillan game warden or game scout. What is it about the eh1 you don't like as much as the game warden or t2?

I have the new Game Hunter. Sent the link. It's like the Game Warden but has a Monte Carlo check piece.
This stock fits me perfectly. I don't have to move my head around or add cheek pads to align my eye to the scope. Everyone is built differently but if you have a chance to hold one I suggest you do. It is lighter than the EH1 also.
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