Springfield armory 4 x 14 by 56 scope

Is it in good condition? A good friend picked one up two years ago in fair condition for $200, and have another friend who is looking for one.

A local gun shop had a used one for $400.
It sat there for several years before it moved and I'm not sure what it actually sold for.
What is a used Springfield armory 4x 14 by 56 scope worth
Which gen? if third, it should be somewhere in the $425 range I'd think, you might want to look into them a little more before dropping the hammer on one, I've never used them, but... I had a few friends that have and they weren't impressed. Go over to Sniper Hide and check around. Cheers
I have one on one of my ARs. It works fine but is heavy. My other observation is the crosshairs are fairly thick. Not sure what I paid for it new but have had it a long time. Interested to see what they sell for used.