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I have been shooting 7 wsm with 168 Bergers for 7 years. I have taken 4 bull elk from 200 to 500 yards. All but one dropped with a high shoulder shot. The one that didn't was at 300 yards and it took two behind the shoulder. I shoot plains game in Africa with the same set up. Everything from 100 to 450 yards. My gemsbok dropped at 450 high shoulder. My kudu at 350 low shoulder took a couple steps. My impala front on chest shot at 350 ran 100 yards. Both blesbok dropped at 100 with mid shoulder shots. My wart hog dropped at 100 ish gut shot. Zebra and wildabeast both ran 50 yards shot in the shoulder at 300 yards on the zebra and 100 yards on the wildebeest. My PH wasn't impressed with the bullet. Everything we skinned the bullets had come apart. They are big on Barnes. I on the other hand though they did the job. I thought about switching to ELDX. It sounds like they perform about the same though. From what I have learned from my experience is that the Bergers work best past 300 yards. That is kind of the conclusion I have come to with most long range type bullets. Whitetail deer are whitetail deer I have shot them from 50 yards to 950 yards and they drop or run 20 yards and crash. I'm going back to Botswana in June. I'm going to just keep shooting the 168 Berger and load some partitions or Barnes that will shoot close to the same poi at 100 for an Eland bull.