Special Remington Sendero Run Interest

yep in 338 rum ,375rum , 7-08, 280 or 280 ai,... oh and 7 saum fer sure
nice white splatter,,, no j-lock,, no x-mark , and no palm swell ,,,the 1998 version would suffice
I would love to see Remington offer a Remington 700 Sendero SF in a 338 rum again. They were discontinued and with the latest surge in big calibers again I think they would sell like hotcakes. The 338 rum Senderos that have sold on GunBroker lately have gotten some serious high dollar $$$!

Oh, and I prefer the original Sendero SF with the No palm swell and No black flutes!!!

Here'a a couple of pics of my twin Remington 700 Sendero SF 7mm STWs (my were manufactured in 1997 & 1998 so no J-locks). :)

It would be great having a Remington 700 Sendero SF 338 rum to match my 7mm STWs! :D

Gamehawker, THAT pair is Better then a full house. With all the work you did to the insides, and the way they look on the outside, my bet goes to the snake eyes, and my vote would be for the STW, imagine that! ****, those two look nice!
If you did one in 6.5x284, I'd jump in. I think demand would be heavy but not in the calibers you are talking about.

Food for thought.
Put me down for one, in the mean time I'll shoot this one. In .308 308 001.jpg

308 002.jpg

308 003.jpg
Rick! That makes me so jealous! I had to pass on one of those for $400 years ago b/c I didn't get the money until payday, and it was gone 2 days later when I got the cash......It stil hurts missing that one.
Imagine that, three guys from Maryland on the same thread! What part of Md are you from?
I'm here in Balto Co. I picked up a sendero in 264 Mag last year. My problem is the longest range I have found is only 300yd. Do you know of a longer place in this area?
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