Sons first deer

Good job kid and dad. Is the stock a bell Carlson youth stock? I'm looking at setting up a gun for my daughter she will be 11 next year and can get her first tag. I was thinking of that stock but also have been thinking about the new savage ultra lite 110.
Bell and Carlson makes a stock specifically for the Model 7. It wasn't labeled as a youth stock. I think the length of pull is 13 3/8. It fits him well and is a LOP he can use forever.
Great memories, I still have fond memories of sitting through hunters education then taking my kids for their first deer.
I also can remember just as well the melt downs my daughter use to have when things didn't go right!
Congrats to all parent or anyone taking kids hunting!
Great story and congratulation to him on a job well done. Making memories is what it is all about. My Dad did not deer hunt but did small game hunt and had me out with him almost by the time I could walk. Killed my first squirrel and rabbit at the age of 8 with an old double barrel Crescent Fire Arms 20 ga. that I still have. My neighbor took me deer hunting at the age of 13 after I worked my butt off the summer before to purchase a rifle. A 1903A3 Springfield in full military dress. Kicked like a mule but I learned to really shoot that rifle. Thought I needed something lighter by the time I got 17 years old and like a fool I traded the Springfield for a Marlin 336 in 30-30 Win. Back 50 years ago deer were few and far between in east TN. Season was only open about 10 days. I hunted most every day until I was 17 and about to turn 18 in a month when I was in college. I had ONE DAY I could hunt that year. I drove 160 miles home on Sunday talked to my neighbor to see if I could go with him and he said sure. Went and purchased my license. I had no idea of where to go that morning when we got to the hunting area. I went out a ridge I had hunted in years past and sat all morning and saw nothing which was not unusual. In all my previous years of hunting I had not seen a single deer, that his how few there were. I had dropped my neighbor off where he was going to hunt and took his jeep to where I was going. I decided to go to the top of the mountain where my cousin had said he has seen some sign. I got to my spot, at high noon, which was on top of a huge rock that overlooked a steep hollow with laurel at the bottom. Had not been there 30 minutes when off to my right down the ridge I see movement. It was a deer, it excited me just to see a deer. I had no binocular or a scope on the rifle and I could not see any antlers because the deer was in an out of cover. I lost sight of it for a few minutes and then all of a sudden it popped out right in front of me at about 40 yards broad side. I still did not see any antlers until it turned it's head just right and then I could see them. I eased the rifle up and when I cocked it he heard it but he must have though the sound came from in front of him. I settled the gold bead of the front sight in the rear and placed it tight behind the bucks front shoulder and started my squeeze on the trigger. I can not believe it now but I was a cool as could be, no shaking at all. At the same instant as the trigger broke the buck took a step forward. BOOM. Now the shot was at a steep downward angle because of the lay of the land. At the shot he turn a barrel role down the hill got back on his feet reared up on his hind legs and pawed the air with his front like Hi-O-Silver and took of down the the hollow and out of sight into the laurel. I sat there stunned. I thought if you shot something with a high power rifle it should drop dead. I walked down to where the deer was standing at the shot and there was white hair all over the place but no blood. I got to thinking I might have missed low just clipping the belly when it moved at the shot. I could see in the leaves where he had run so I started following. When I got all the way to the bottom of the steep hollow to the laurel I still had not seen any blood. When I pulled back a laurel branch and started around the bush on the other side it looked like you had painted the ground in blood and about 10 yards from this there was my buck dead as a hammer laying on the ground. I got to shaking and my knees were about passing one another and I had to sit down. I sat there for what seem a half hour but it must have only been a minute of two. I got up and went down to the buck and it was a 5 point HUGE body buck. I had never really thought about what to do to field dress a deer but had helped kill hogs and cattle and dressed many small game so I just did what I would had done to one of them. My Dad had made me a hunting knife out of a file. It had a 5 inch blade with stacked leather handle and was sharp as a razor. I slit the hide on the belly open and opened the belly and pulled out the guts and then had to reach up into the chest cavity and cut the esophagus loose to pull out what was left of the vitals. The Remington 150 gr HP had went between the last two full ribs blew the liver and back of the lungs to bits and exited. I thought how can a deer run that far dead on it's feet. I was covered in blood. I started looking for my drag rope and it was not in my hunting coat. Found it laying on my bed when I got home where it fell out of the coat. I had no sling on my rifle so I just grabbed the deer by the antlers in one hand and carried my rifle in the other and TRIED to drag the deer up this STEEP ridge. I guess I worked about and hour of pull three feet slide back two and was exhausted. I had pulled him up beside a log so I covered him up with leaves hoping no one would come along and steal him before I could go get my neighbor and get back. It took us both with a rope over an hour to get up that STEEP ridge. It was almost like climbing a ladder and dragging deer up with you. This deer weighed 163 pounds field dressed. We took him to a local store that had a meat cooler that would let me leave it there until the next week end when I could come back from school and process it. I then went home took a shower jumped in the car and drove 160 miles back to school. Have killed HUNDREDS of deer since then but you always remember every detail of the first one.

I have a load that I use and have turned a number of people on to for the 308. 46 Grs, IMR 4895 with 125 Gr, Nosler Ballistic Tip. It is also a BANG FLOP 99% of the time on deer. It sounds like the 125 SST works about the same.
Great story and congratulation to him on a job well done. Making memories is what it is all about. My Dad did not deer hunt but did small game hunt and had me out with him almost by the time I could walk. Killed my first squirrel and rabbit at the age of 8 with an old double barrel Crescent Fire Arms 20 ga. that I still have. My neighbor took me deer hunting at the age of 13 after I worked my butt off the summer before to purchase a rifle. A 1903A3 Springfield in full military dress. Kicked like a mule but I learned to really shoot that rifle. Thought I needed something lighter by the time I got 17 years old and like a fool I traded the Springfield for a Marlin 336 in 30-30 Win. Back 50 years ago deer were few and far between in east TN. Season was only open about 10 days. I hunted most every day until I was 17 and about to turn 18 in a month when I was in college. I had ONE DAY I could hunt that year. I drove 160 miles home on Sunday talked to my neighbor to see if I could go with him and he said sure. Went and purchased my license. I had no idea of where to go that morning when we got to the hunting area. I went out a ridge I had hunted in years past and sat all morning and saw nothing which was not unusual. In all my previous years of hunting I had not seen a single deer, that his how few there were. I had dropped my neighbor off where he was going to hunt and took his jeep to where I was going. I decided to go to the top of the mountain where my cousin had said he has seen some sign. I got to my spot, at high noon, which was on top of a huge rock that overlooked a steep hollow with laurel at the bottom. Had not been there 30 minutes when off to my right down the ridge I see movement. It was a deer, it excited me just to see a deer. I had no binocular or a scope on the rifle and I could not see any antlers because the deer was in an out of cover. I lost sight of it for a few minutes and then all of a sudden it popped out right in front of me at about 40 yards broad side. I still did not see any antlers until it turned it's head just right and then I could see them. I eased the rifle up and when I cocked it he heard it but he must have though the sound came from in front of him. I settled the gold bead of the front sight in the rear and placed it tight behind the bucks front shoulder and started my squeeze on the trigger. I can not believe it now but I was a cool as could be, no shaking at all. At the same instant as the trigger broke the buck took a step forward. BOOM. Now the shot was at a steep downward angle because of the lay of the land. At the shot he turn a barrel role down the hill got back on his feet reared up on his hind legs and pawed the air with his front like Hi-O-Silver and took of down the the hollow and out of sight into the laurel. I sat there stunned. I thought if you shot something with a high power rifle it should drop dead. I walked down to where the deer was standing at the shot and there was white hair all over the place but no blood. I got to thinking I might have missed low just clipping the belly when it moved at the shot. I could see in the leaves where he had run so I started following. When I got all the way to the bottom of the steep hollow to the laurel I still had not seen any blood. When I pulled back a laurel branch and started around the bush on the other side it looked like you had painted the ground in blood and about 10 yards from this there was my buck dead as a hammer laying on the ground. I got to shaking and my knees were about passing one another and I had to sit down. I sat there for what seem a half hour but it must have only been a minute of two. I got up and went down to the buck and it was a 5 point HUGE body buck. I had never really thought about what to do to field dress a deer but had helped kill hogs and cattle and dressed many small game so I just did what I would had done to one of them. My Dad had made me a hunting knife out of a file. It had a 5 inch blade with stacked leather handle and was sharp as a razor. I slit the hide on the belly open and opened the belly and pulled out the guts and then had to reach up into the chest cavity and cut the esophagus loose to pull out what was left of the vitals. The Remington 150 gr HP had went between the last two full ribs blew the liver and back of the lungs to bits and exited. I thought how can a deer run that far dead on it's feet. I was covered in blood. I started looking for my drag rope and it was not in my hunting coat. Found it laying on my bed when I got home where it fell out of the coat. I had no sling on my rifle so I just grabbed the deer by the antlers in one hand and carried my rifle in the other and TRIED to drag the deer up this STEEP ridge. I guess I worked about and hour of pull three feet slide back two and was exhausted. I had pulled him up beside a log so I covered him up with leaves hoping no one would come along and steal him before I could go get my neighbor and get back. It took us both with a rope over an hour to get up that STEEP ridge. It was almost like climbing a ladder and dragging deer up with you. This deer weighed 163 pounds field dressed. We took him to a local store that had a meat cooler that would let me leave it there until the next week end when I could come back from school and process it. I then went home took a shower jumped in the car and drove 160 miles back to school. Have killed HUNDREDS of deer since then but you always remember every detail of the first one.

I have a load that I use and have turned a number of people on to for the 308. 46 Grs, IMR 4895 with 125 Gr, Nosler Ballistic Tip. It is also a BANG FLOP 99% of the time on deer. It sounds like the 125 SST works about the same.
Awesome story. My first buck was with my grandads Winchester model 94 30-30. We had taken it several times last year hoping he'd get his first deer with it but never worked out. After shooting his new rifle I couldn't convince him to go back to the 30-30.
Great story and congratulation to him on a job well done. Making memories is what it is all about. My Dad did not deer hunt but did small game hunt and had me out with him almost by the time I could walk. Killed my first squirrel and rabbit at the age of 8 with an old double barrel Crescent Fire Arms 20 ga. that I still have. My neighbor took me deer hunting at the age of 13 after I worked my butt off the summer before to purchase a rifle. A 1903A3 Springfield in full military dress. Kicked like a mule but I learned to really shoot that rifle. Thought I needed something lighter by the time I got 17 years old and like a fool I traded the Springfield for a Marlin 336 in 30-30 Win. Back 50 years ago deer were few and far between in east TN. Season was only open about 10 days. I hunted most every day until I was 17 and about to turn 18 in a month when I was in college. I had ONE DAY I could hunt that year. I drove 160 miles home on Sunday talked to my neighbor to see if I could go with him and he said sure. Went and purchased my license. I had no idea of where to go that morning when we got to the hunting area. I went out a ridge I had hunted in years past and sat all morning and saw nothing which was not unusual. In all my previous years of hunting I had not seen a single deer, that his how few there were. I had dropped my neighbor off where he was going to hunt and took his jeep to where I was going. I decided to go to the top of the mountain where my cousin had said he has seen some sign. I got to my spot, at high noon, which was on top of a huge rock that overlooked a steep hollow with laurel at the bottom. Had not been there 30 minutes when off to my right down the ridge I see movement. It was a deer, it excited me just to see a deer. I had no binocular or a scope on the rifle and I could not see any antlers because the deer was in an out of cover. I lost sight of it for a few minutes and then all of a sudden it popped out right in front of me at about 40 yards broad side. I still did not see any antlers until it turned it's head just right and then I could see them. I eased the rifle up and when I cocked it he heard it but he must have though the sound came from in front of him. I settled the gold bead of the front sight in the rear and placed it tight behind the bucks front shoulder and started my squeeze on the trigger. I can not believe it now but I was a cool as could be, no shaking at all. At the same instant as the trigger broke the buck took a step forward. BOOM. Now the shot was at a steep downward angle because of the lay of the land. At the shot he turn a barrel role down the hill got back on his feet reared up on his hind legs and pawed the air with his front like Hi-O-Silver and took of down the the hollow and out of sight into the laurel. I sat there stunned. I thought if you shot something with a high power rifle it should drop dead. I walked down to where the deer was standing at the shot and there was white hair all over the place but no blood. I got to thinking I might have missed low just clipping the belly when it moved at the shot. I could see in the leaves where he had run so I started following. When I got all the way to the bottom of the steep hollow to the laurel I still had not seen any blood. When I pulled back a laurel branch and started around the bush on the other side it looked like you had painted the ground in blood and about 10 yards from this there was my buck dead as a hammer laying on the ground. I got to shaking and my knees were about passing one another and I had to sit down. I sat there for what seem a half hour but it must have only been a minute of two. I got up and went down to the buck and it was a 5 point HUGE body buck. I had never really thought about what to do to field dress a deer but had helped kill hogs and cattle and dressed many small game so I just did what I would had done to one of them. My Dad had made me a hunting knife out of a file. It had a 5 inch blade with stacked leather handle and was sharp as a razor. I slit the hide on the belly open and opened the belly and pulled out the guts and then had to reach up into the chest cavity and cut the esophagus loose to pull out what was left of the vitals. The Remington 150 gr HP had went between the last two full ribs blew the liver and back of the lungs to bits and exited. I thought how can a deer run that far dead on it's feet. I was covered in blood. I started looking for my drag rope and it was not in my hunting coat. Found it laying on my bed when I got home where it fell out of the coat. I had no sling on my rifle so I just grabbed the deer by the antlers in one hand and carried my rifle in the other and TRIED to drag the deer up this STEEP ridge. I guess I worked about and hour of pull three feet slide back two and was exhausted. I had pulled him up beside a log so I covered him up with leaves hoping no one would come along and steal him before I could go get my neighbor and get back. It took us both with a rope over an hour to get up that STEEP ridge. It was almost like climbing a ladder and dragging deer up with you. This deer weighed 163 pounds field dressed. We took him to a local store that had a meat cooler that would let me leave it there until the next week end when I could come back from school and process it. I then went home took a shower jumped in the car and drove 160 miles back to school. Have killed HUNDREDS of deer since then but you always remember every detail of the first one.

I have a load that I use and have turned a number of people on to for the 308. 46 Grs, IMR 4895 with 125 Gr, Nosler Ballistic Tip. It is also a BANG FLOP 99% of the time on deer. It sounds like the 125 SST works about the same.
I've got some 308 nosler BTs in 125, I'll check them out. Now he's talking big and wants to try something heavier with better BC so he can "shoot longer range." I think he's heard me talking too much.
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