Some familar names I see here--That's great

Darryl Cassel

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2001
Some familar names I see here--That\'s great

I feel like a kid at Christmas with a new toy.
A Longrange hunting site for longrange hunters ONLY----alright.
I hope there is an interest in Ultra Longrange hunting here too.
I hate to get flamed by those who know NOTHING about what we do and don't care to do it either.
Re: Some familar names I see here--That\'s great

Hi Darryl

Good to see you here. I noticed your absence from some of the forums and was beginning to think you had given up in disgust. Despite its problems, the HA board was coming along well when it got the chance. This site should really develop well since we have the unequivocal support of the list owner to keep it on topic and not have the nay sayers jumping in at every second post.

Re: Some familar names I see here--That\'s great

Hey guys,

I second you both, many times over.

A true wish come true for me.

It don`t feel like I`m in the front row at a greenpeace meeting with an NRA hat and fur coat on here.

Gota run, see ya around.
Re: Some familar names I see here--That\'s great

DC... Are you kidding? At your age you're lucky to be feeling anything at all, much less like a kid at Christmas... If that were true, all you'd ever deserve is a lump of coal... Catch you later, you "crude dude" you...
Re: Some familar names I see here--That\'s great

Well Dick, seeing as this is a longrange hunting forum ,which you should try sometime,
I do feel like a kid at Christmas.

This is especially true when I see that we finally have a forum of our own to share experiances. not get flamed, and be able to help those who seek answers in killing animals at long and extremly long range.

True, at my age, I have had the oportunity to that many times over the years.

Have a good one and see you at the World Open this weekend.


[ 07-06-2001: Message edited by: Darryl Cassel ]
Re: Some familar names I see here--That\'s great

DC- Found the site and it is very interesting. Glad to be able to learn more about longrange hunting and enjoy the fellowship of other hunter's. The more i read the post's i know i have so much to learn. I still have opening's for the fall elk season if you know anyone who is interested in a good hunt. Your 's Truely George.
Re: Some familar names I see here--That\'s great

Stumbled accross the site the other day. Man I was wondering where all you guys dissapeared to. The LR forum on HA is about dead since they changed everything.

Sure am glad to see that you've all found a more hospitable place to talk.

The ethics rule. Great idea! You can't start a fight about it if you can't talk about it.

[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: txhunter ]

[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: txhunter ]
Re: Some familar names I see here--That\'s great


Welcome to our sanctuary of reasoned and experienced participants! Tell your friends about our site.
Re: Some familar names I see here--That\'s great

"Our sanctuary of reasoned and experienced participants".

Does this mean I have to leave??
Re: Some familar names I see here--That\'s great that you mention it!
(Gary, is that right for the grin symbol?)

[ 07-13-2001: Message edited by: Len Backus ]
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