Sniper Stalking Course for civilians

Bravo 4

Well-Known Member
LRH Sponsor
Jul 20, 2007
The South
For entertainment and educational purposes, some Sniper School Instructor buddies and I are putting on a civilian based course in central Arkansas.
Experience the fieldcraft training of the elite U.S. Army Sniper. This 2 1/2 day course will introduce you to the world of some of the most feared men on the planet.
Friday 10/04/2024, 1400 hrs-Until Complete (UTC): Meet the Instructors, participant introductions, safety brief, instruction on ghillie suit construction, ghillie critique & maintenance, ghillie break-in & weathering
Saturday 10/05/2024, 0700-1200hrs: classes on camouflage (natural vs manmade), concealment, movement techniques, route selection/utilizing the terrain, establishing a Final Firing Position (FFP), target acquisition, equipment selection
1200-1300 hrs: Instructor demo on concealment, with commonly observed mistakes.
1300 hrs-UTC: Instructor led concealment exercise- participants will be mentored on moving into and establishing FFPs and will go through the walking sequence of a Sniper School Stalk (minus engaging a target with ammunition). An After Action Review (AAR) will be conducted with the entire class and all instructors.
Sunday 10/06/2024, 0700-UTC: Graded Stalk! Participants will receive a mission brief, be placed into an Objective Rally Point (ORP)/start point, stalk into and establish a FFP (undetected), complete the mission given, and return to ORP within the given time limit. An AAR with lessons learned will be given at the end of training.

For more information check out the link below or shoot me a private message.
That would be SOOO cool lol.
Guys think so until they have to do this.😂
Disclaimer: participants will not have to endure what we call a ghillie wash…unless you want to. IMG_6144.jpeg
Or suffer through single digit temps. Early October in our area usually has very comfortable temps and weather.IMG_6145.jpeg
Guys think so until they have to do this.😂
Disclaimer: participants will not have to endure what we call a ghillie wash…unless you want to.View attachment 592349
Yeah I bet. I've seen all that on some of the shows on what you guys have to go through to do what you do/did. Still always said it would be awesome to go through to learn it all. You guys are just on a whole nuther level!