Smith has had my rifles for 2+ years. Losing patience...

You Have already made one mistake (Paid him up front) but it is done so time to move on.

There are some smiths that take on more work than they can handle and they don't manage
their time well. Two years should be enough for any build. Some smiths can build a complete rifle
in one week or less if they work on it only.

I would say 3 to 4 months should be reasonable to get the parts and finish the rifle (Some parts may
hold up the build with long deliveries).

I would recommend that you first call and visit with him and tell him you will be in that neighborhood
in two weeks and would stop buy and look at your rifle to see how everything is looking.

If you can/have the receit, take it with you for the refund if necessary. (without it you may not have much of a chance of getting your money back.

A friend of mine picked his rifle up after waiting 7 years and did not get any money back. the smith
had not done anything. (I finished the rifle in 6 days for him and did not have to effect anyone
else's build.

Interesting thread... I guess I'm fortunate to have a good smith near by, about 40 min (Bozeman to Three Forks). We have a very good relationship and good communications. He requires 50% labor down plus components. His reason for requiring half down on labor is because he has been stuck by some of his customers when the job is done.

Anyway, he has always kept me up to date and has even sent pics of progress.

Benchracer, hope you get this worked out. I think you're doing the right thing by looking for the high road and I think the advise to give notice to collect your parts is good advise.
I had a bruise on my leg, and the doctor told me to come back in 6 months.
I did, and the doctor had died in the meantime.
Yikes! Did your bruise get better? Or did the new doctor square you away?

I requested my actions and parts be returned, along with a refund for any uncompleted work. I gave a deadline. I suspect the work will be mostly or all complete. Will see...
Hey!!! He may be like Chris Mathews and working on getting as many orders as possible so that he can make off with as much as he can when he claims bankruptcy..... That happened to me!!!!!
I have a guy here in Vegas... Told me 6 weeks, been 3 months... I just hate lazy people that lie!!!!

Good luck dude!!!
New here but I sent a revolver to a smith for a simple sight job and it took 6 months. Required milling a slot and installing the slot. Paid up front I will not do that again and now I ask for an estimated time to completion.
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