It's hard to know if I should take the .204 or shotgun somtimes. I prefer using a rifle on coyotes, so usually it's the .204. One day, my calling partner couldn't go, so I took both. I had a coyote charge straight in to 25 yds and I was laying down behind the rifle. Suddenly, I remembered the shotgun laying beside me and was able to roll the coyote as it turned. I thought that was the ticket, but I don't like carrying two guns. I did buy some Dead Coyote shells, but was really dissapointed when I finally got around to patterning them. Unreliable patterns past 50 yards, and the recoil is ferocious! A friend told me he could roll a dog at 80 yards using 00 buckshot with a turkey choke, so I bought some Remington 3" 00 buck just to prove him wrong. I'm using a Benelli Nova 3.5" 12 guage, and a Primos Jelly Head turkey choke. You've got to see the range out of this setup to believe it. 000 buck has fewer pellets, but gives even longer range. I haven't used this on coyotes or wolves yet, but I'm looking forward to trying it out. Pattern this setup and you'll be amazed.