What kind of hunting are you planning on doing? Walking in 7 miles or just setting up 200 yards from the truck? I hunt in the high country so I make sure I'm prepared. I never hunt with a full size backpack - that stays in camp. I like a fannypack because the weight is supported by my hips instead of shoulders. The biggest things I bring are optics. A spotting scope and binoculars take up a lot of room. I also make sure I have whatever is necessary to survive 1 night in the woods. 100 Matches in case, lighter, flint/tender, space blanket, 2 flashlights, knife, water, whistle, cord, mirror, poncho, thermals, socks, compass, energy bars, sunblock, knit cap, etc. That's hunting heavy. The poncho and extra clothes only go on full day expeditions. I would say the whistle, matches, and water are the 3 most important. A cell phone could be handy in some areas, but don't count on it. I always have a good topo map.