There looks to be a good number of shooters in the north eastern Colorado area that would be interested in getting together from what I've read in this thread. Has anyone attempted to organize anything or have any of you met up yet? Let the rest of us know how it went and if you are planning to do it again.
I'm in Drake and would definitely be interested in meeting up to learn and practice long range seriously. I haven't shot longer than 500 since the military and then only out to 800m. I've been out to Pawnee but never shot more than a few hundred yards there. The Northern Colorado Rod and Gun Club has a range out to 508 yds but it is private. I have submitted my info there many times over the years via email and have never heard back from them on becoming a member. Admittedly I have not been the least bit aggressive about finding out why. I have been to the range as a guest of other members though and it is a perfect set up for practicing shots out to 508 yards in a "high-country" type setting with uphill shots at the longest targets (pics on their website). I usually sight-in and practice to 200 yrd at my family's place east of Greeley on 80 acres.
I'm going to get after the R&G Club as 500 yrd is still plenty good practice for me, especially with my T3. I plan to invest in a good long range gun this year but am still researching. It must be a packable elk hunting rifle, not a just paper puncher. Anyway...PM or email, or start posting here if we want to try to organize a shoot...I'm in.