Shilen vs. Rifle Basix vs. Timney


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2005
I already know that a Jewell is the best trigger, but I'm looking to keep cost down on this next build.
I'm having a light weight 7WSM built and need a trigger. I haven't been able to find much about the Timney. I've heard that the quality on the RB has fallen off. I haven't heard much negative about the Shilen.
So what's everyone's opinion on the best trigger for a lightweight pack around rifle?
Thanks in advance.
I have a Shilen and a Timney. I like the Timney better because it has a wider shoe. The Shilen is very narrow. They are both good triggers.
I don't own a shilen, I've shot them and they are fine. I have a Timney on my lightweight Rem 700, couldn't be happier with it.

I have bought and used several of the Timney's, all on Savage 110's. They were 100% better than the original trigger. Very easy and quick to install and adjustments, if needed, were easy, responsive and held.
I recently (Jan 09) bought a Rifle Basix for my Savage 12BVSS. The trigger went on and adjusted very easy with little to no hassle. It breaks cleanly, like the proverbial "glass rod" at 2.0lbs. I have tried to make it "go off" by accident or not cock by working the bolt fast, it does not happen. Very good trigger, again 100% better than the original. The rifle's original owner told me that a local gunsmith (Wa. state) had re-worked it. IMO, not much you can do with older 110 triggers except replace them.
I recently (Jul 09) bought a Shilen for my Remington 700P. Installation was not as simple as it was on the Savage, but other things come in to play like the bolt release/w spring and the original safety. Still it is easy. If you can take the old trigger off you can put the new one on. It's reverse engineering sort of. From beginning to end took approximately 30 minutes and no adjustment was necessary. It breaks at 1.5lbs like glass. I can't make it go off accidently either.
It does have a narrow shoe, compared to the factory trigger. It doesn't bother me though. I'd rather have a skinny Shilen that breaks cleanly and consistently that a fat OEM trigger that is unreliable and unsafe.
It is 120% better than "my" OEM trigger. I say that because normally a Remington trigger is pretty straight forward and easy to adjust. Most of the time it's reliable, safe and consistent. Every now and then you get one that's shoddy and will not respond to your shadetree, wannabe gunsmith. Sorry so long but hope it helps. JohnnyK.
Well it sounds like either the Timney or Shilen is a good choice. Is there much price difference between the two? Keep the opinions coming.
i have four shilens and one jewel. i like the shilens better. they are narrower than the jewel . half the cost.
Of your choices, my only experience is with RB ... it breaks nicely (safety tested) at 1.5 lbs on my Savage 111F in .300 WM. Had it on since 2005 and very happy with it.

Good luck!


My only aftermarket trigger experience is with Rifle Basix. I replaced a x-mark on my R700 with RB's L-1k.

Replacement was easy and trigger is perfect, no take up, no over travel and breaks at just over 2 pounds. I've had it a little over a year with somewhere between 600-700 rounds fire and countless hundreds of dry fires and it is still as tight, reliable and consistent as the day I put it on. With in the next couple months I will be buying another for a different R700.
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