September 23, 2021 House Vote To Consficate Firearms with NO DUE PROCESS


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2021
Ever hear of the NDAA? National Defense Authorization Act? Its what funds our military.

On September 23rd the 117th U.S. House of Representatives, with a vote of 316-113 and the support of 135 Rino Republicans, quietly passed a Red Flag Gun Confiscation Law. The law is part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2021 which funds our military. Red flag laws make gun confiscation of legal gun owners easier by police after a hearing before a judge.

Basically, if a friend, neighbor or relative thinks you are too unstable to have guns, your guns can be confiscated without due process.

We all need to let our Senators and our House Reps know we don't like this kind of stuff buried in a military authorization bill,
and we support the 2nd amendment, the Constitution, and DUE PROCESS and if they don't we will find representatives that do.

Another crazy far left Biden, Pelosi, Schummer Sanders, Squad end around the American People and all law abiding firearms owners.

It has to be opposed.
The second article makes the very important point that this whole framework under the UCMJ uniform code of military justice is what Nancy Pelosi is counting on to set a precedent for red flag laws applying to civilians too. Its step one in confiscation.