Sendero, Tikka, Others

I think the sendero, tikka and a savage in their long range hunter platform would all fit the bill. From a LRH standpoint I don't feel a 10lb rifle is out of bounds. However backpack and mountain hunts could be a little different. For price point and LRH features out of the box I lean towards the savage. I think just let your budget decide nothing wrong with any of the rifles mentioned in this thread except for the rem783 sounds like. I think any of these rifles will all make good use of nice glass. Which is where I would put my left over money if it were me.
I know I've always been told to buy the best optics you can, i have a Leupold VX-3 6.5-20 on my Tikka 7mm with a custom 1000yrd turret to my had loads and it shoots pretty good! My point is you could look at the rifle of your choice, add the upgrades and even look at the Leupold mark 4 or 6's or even the SHV Nightforce scopes! Either way if you hand load you can kill a lot of critters out to 800yds. I did like the point earlier about having enough energy out there to get the job done, getting the right twist to shoot the 180gr bullets or even the new to come Berger 195gr, which I believe would like the 1:8 twist, Would be a good start!
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