Scorpion Bullet Performance

I've had good luck with the PT Gold Scorpion 300 gr using 110 GR by volume BH209 and a CCI 209M primer with Harvester Black Crush rib sabot. Very accurate load, under 1"MOA, and does a good job on WT. I prefer it over the 260 gr because it has a better ballistic coefficient and retains more down range energy. The Hornady 300 gr. SST with their 3 pedal easy load sabot was very effective for me last year as well. A whitetail, a fallow buck and 2 hogs. I used a Barnes 290 gr Boat tail with yellow crush rib sabot to take a nice aoudad ram at 160 yds. All three of my Knights have been converted with new breech plugs to use a bare primer. Best choice I've made in a long time. Less blowback and cleaning is a snap
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