Scope options for Cooper 243


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
I'm buying a cooper model 54 .243 winchester and I have a $1700 budget for optics. I'm looking at the swarovski z5, nightforce, and zeiss diavari. What scopes and scope power would y'all recommend. Will be shooting up to 500 yards or so. Thanks!
For that range you have no need to spend that kind of money for a good scope.

Vortex Viper, Leupold VXII, Zeiss Conquest with 50mm obj and magnification up to 14x for coyotes and larger targets, or up to 16x for smaller. If you are shooting really small stuff like prairie dogs you might want to go up to 20x, but I shoot them all the time with 10's and 14's.

You should have a very nice rifle in that model though.
Big- i would love to see a pic of the rifle. i have scope from each of those mentioned, for me the swaro and zeiss are clearer/brighter.
Big- i would love to see a pic of the rifle. i have scope from each of those mentioned, for me the swaro and zeiss are clearer/brighter.
The main advantage I see with Swaro and Zeiss is the way they coat their lenses giving better low light performance than scopes of similar overall quality/durability/construction. For clarity and sharpness of edges etc I don't see a noticeable difference.

IOR Valdada's fall right in with them as well. I have two and they are fantastic, particularly the 4-14x50 tactical model I have on my .260. Probably the nicest scope overall I have ever owned and the MP-8 is my all time favorite reticle.
I totally agree with wildrose. For that range Id save the money and look hard at the Vortex 6-24x50 pst. It will do a great job. There are a lot at the 1 k range that will do u just fine.
I have a M54 in 22-250 with a Z5 3.5-18x44BT, and I like it so much I put one on my M52 in 280AI.

These scopes are very clear and bright, and are also lightweight and fairly low profile. I'm a fan.


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I have a M54 in 22-250 with a Z5 3.5-18x44BT, and I like it so much I put one on my M52 in 280AI.

These scopes are very clear and bright, and are also lightweight and fairly low profile. I'm a fan.
That looks like an absolute varmint killing monster.

This is the IOR on my LR-260 Varmint Rig. For a 50mm obj it has a rather low profile as well. Much of that just depends on how you mount it.


I should put a picture of the PST 4-16 up as I have it mounted. It's on a M700 with low rings and it barely clears the rail and sets a few hundredths off the barrel at the bell with scope covers on.

Love both scopes. The IOR is a good bit pricier and it's my favorite but there's not a thing wrong with either.
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