Scope Height inputs,


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2011
Spokane, WA
I ran into a question from a young friend today, basically he was trying to work out the drops from his rifle, and found a great deal more dialing up than would be needed given his expectations. I say expectations as nothing has been verified. The rifle has generally shot well. He has no idea how the scope tracks, and I suggested starting there. Anyway using the G7 Ballistic Calculator at the top of the page to get a bit of an idea how much variation some minor variations in input would amount to.

I started playing with scope height and was surprised, it reports very small differences at 600 yards (his current goal). The program indicates with the scope mounted 1.5" high, vs 2" high amounted to a 1" difference.

I've never used that portion of the program before, and expected a greater variance. Is it my expectations or my inputs that are out of whack.
I ran into a question from a young friend today, basically he was trying to work out the drops from his rifle, and found a great deal more dialing up than would be needed given his expectations. I say expectations as nothing has been verified. The rifle has generally shot well. He has no idea how the scope tracks, and I suggested starting there. Anyway using the G7 Ballistic Calculator at the top of the page to get a bit of an idea how much variation some minor variations in input would amount to.

I started playing with scope height and was surprised, it reports very small differences at 600 yards (his current goal). The program indicates with the scope mounted 1.5" high, vs 2" high amounted to a 1" difference.

I've never used that portion of the program before, and expected a greater variance. Is it my expectations or my inputs that are out of whack.

I think its your input,,:)
Given my usual skill level with a computer I tend to agree. I did print them, and it all looks correct. Is there another step I'm missing?
what was the range that needed more drop than anticipated and how did he determine velocity?
what was the range that needed more drop than anticipated and how did he determine velocity?

Like I mentioned he's verified nothing, and that's the first step. I just stumbled into my question while looking at different scenarios. His friend has a similar setup and with identical loads, both using Leupold 2.5-8 scopes, one silver, one matte he had to adjust 18-20 clicks more. I can't swear if one has a 200 yard zero, and the other 100 yards. So my advice was to start over at the beginning. 600 yards was the distance. Looking at it, I wrote the question poorly. I was thinking out loud and telling a story as to how I got into the question.

My question came out of fooling with some of the variables, and expecting to see more difference from the scope height in the formulas.

I suspect the program is accurate, but was wondering if someone could help me understand the concept of scope height.
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