Scardee cats crack me up....

"Element of surprise"
"the one that didn't read the book"

Many of the dangerous game are perfectly capable of stalking you, and unless hit well with a bullet of sufficient energy, they will kill you before they expire.

It is hard to know what is going on that changes an animals behavior. Failure of the berry crop in Alaska, that drives the grizzlies crazy with hunger at a certain time of the year, resulting in several hunters getting mauled.

All it takes is an encounter too close with no-where for you to run and you could be sorry, or dead.
You dont hunt grizzlies,, they hunt you... For every one that you do see there are 12 that you dont..I learned that from a wise old man that hunted them all of his life and he has the scares to show for it and will only hunt theses type animals with rifle that shoot 400 grain bullets and up.
Use what you want and stay sharp as a tac and remember this,,,, even the best and fastest at one time or another isnt fast enough.
Oh come on guys....This post wasnt to ruffle feathers ....I had an instructor who told me after it was over: "Jacob, we were beating the weak stupidity out of you".
BS on the first one, and you must think we're pretty **** stupid to say it. Why are you here if your opinion of us is that low-are you looking to be the Jim Jones of LRH- drink your own **** kool-aid, try the Rainbow People they're always looking for answers from above.
The second part you really ought to get your money back on that, just take your postings as evidence. Given the current fight for tax dollars they might want you off their roster as well.
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Isn't there a law about faking military service?

I opt out of any further discussion in this thread for the sake of not learning anything about LONG RANGE back to Len Backus and the purpose of this forum.

Good luck with OP concepts in this situation.... It took 5x 338 Lapua rounds to take it down and it was only 8 yards from the guy calling Elk.

NOW THAT IS A BEAR!!! - MGO Community Forum

Yes there is. Stolen Valor act. I'll call the bluff. Outlaw, please email me from your military email. I'll respond from mine. [email protected]

There are no operators in OK. Furthermore, I know the community in which you profess to be a member preaches and practices "silent professionalism". Now how would I know that?
Heck, I would not be scared of that Bear. Lapua..My trusty boy scout knife would have dispatched that Bear. One should not be scared of bears all they want to do is take your picnic basket with that jar of honey. That bear did not need to be killed you probably had a MRE with the peanut butter packet. What were ya a Scardee Cat or something???

BUD Scar Dee Katz
The Management at BUDs School of Scardee Cat Philisofy LLC

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So all I have to do next time a grizz is coming in on my moose for an easy meal is tell it that I'm not scared, I'm respecting you and it'll leave me alone then? Aw hell wish I'd known about that one before, could of saved some years off my ticker I bet
Shoot two moose,,,one for the bear to keep him occupied while you pack yours out.,,Then contact the gie that started this topic cause he fears nothing.
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