Hunting primarily, but with the mindset of a precision shooter. I understand that there will deviation in POI between loads(more so with factory loads), but I feel if I miss my point of aim by too big of a margin, then it's unethical and ergo unacceptable. I've shot many of cheap firearms that couldn't hit water if you them out of a boat and have refused their brand(s) on my property as a result(even if it was lemon out of many). I here that a Boyd's stock will make the axis feel like another animal, but I'm wondering if I should get a better quality rifle for better/more consistent accuracy, longer barrel/parts life and overall build quality as it may end up getting beat around(not intentionally of course).
Edit: As far as distance/range, I keep it within the confines of the effectiveness of the round. I know people can hit paper with a .556 at 700+ yards, but I know it's not going to down anything at that distance...