Savage trigger/action bound up?!

I thought about removing the material from the sear (of course after the deed had been done) and agree 100%. I would recommend anyone doing it in the future to do just as you mentioned.
The notch you made in the pillar appears smaller than factory savage notches. To me it looks like it should be about twice as deep vertically. I cut mine with a hack saw before I start. The notch is for sear clearance during firing and when you push down on the bolt release, the sear should not touch the pillar anywhere within that notch. When the rear action screw was inserted the sear probably was touching the threads of the screw. If your rear screw is over length it will go clear through the reciever threads and touch the bolt. The front screw will also often reach the bolt lug if overtightened. A common problem after retorquing a savage stoke. It will stop the bolt from turning. An easy fix by shortening the screw 1 or 2 threads.
At this moment the rifle doesn't have a trigger guard at all
In your pics right below the pillar that you have ground there are two white marks on the bedding where the bolt release mechanism is I believe that could be your point of contact
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