savage rifles

Wi whitetail

Active Member
Mar 26, 2004
south wi
i've done a little more reading in the archives and decided on a savage, but i have a few questions for the pros. first-i've heard that savage barrels are easily interchangeable-the 12blvss only comes in 223 and 22-250, so if i bought one could i get a .308 barrel to shoot deer and shoot coyotes with the 22-250 barrel? second-if that won't work are there decent stocks available to replace the plastic one on a 12flv?(yes, i'm a southpaw) last-is there any difference between the 10flp and the 12flv besides the barrel lengths? thank you very much for your help

-Wi whitetail
There are several places out there to pick up a savage barrel, Midway has them as does Sharp Shooters supply. A 22-250 to 308 switch should be no problem just loosen the barrel nut, screw out one barrel, screw in the other, headspace on a sized case, and tighten the barrel nut back down.
MPI makes a good stock, and it comes without bolt holes. I've got the 11FL in 300 WSM. Great rifle. Next year it gets a better stock, but it shoots good right now.

For barrels, Or midway.
thank's guys, but i THINK i found a better way. correct me if i'm wrong but savage offers a model 12 flvss? i found one on an inventory list of a dealer, but savage doesn't have it listed on their website. is this an error by the dealer, or is savage just not updating their website?
Savage made the 12FLVSS prior to 2004 in numerous short action calibers. This year they added a 12BLVSS in 223 & 22-350, and 12FLV in 223, 22-250 & 308. You may want to try Savage Shooters Forum for a wealth of info on Savage firearms. Good luck ... Mike

[ 06-18-2004: Message edited by: Bluebeemer ]
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I have been shooting at prairie dogs for the last week! The Savage website and 2004 catalog do not show the 12FLVSS being available for 2004, but it was in prior years. ... Mike
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