Have considered chopping the stock like I did to the last Stevens I built but leaving it a tad longer so the bipod doesnt get in the way as bad.
Then to help keep the weight down just use a couple of short arrow shafts and Great Stuff to fill the voids. Then just skim bed the whole works and glue the trigger assembly of the stock to the stock, dont plan on makeing it into a short action anyway!
The trigger has got to be the worse *** I've ever worked on but putting in a replacement totaly defeats the perpose of a cheap gun so I'll have to work on it a little more to get it down to 2 1/2 -3 lbs or so, right now I can see the x hairs move as I put a death grip on the trigger to get the **** thing to fire. Lightening the spring helped a little but not enough.
The clips are spendy *** that are definatly not tuff enough as is to be reliable so that is going to take a little work to fix. The broken ejecter was self indused trying to find a max load of Data 85 powder, Data 85 works ok but is way too temp sensitive to use in the heat of the summer!
Like I said its an uphill battle as the Axis is what it is and trying to make it something it aint can be a little agrivating at times=Its been given a time-out in the safe till I get bored enough to get back to it, timel tell