savage 16 .270 wsm


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2012
My brother wants to get into long range shooting, so i tell him he needs to sit down and set his mind on what he wants before he goes gun shopping other wise who knows what a guy might buy. well he showed up at my house with a savage model 16 stainless with a 22'' fluted barrel and that includes the muzzle break. The goal is to be able to shoot 600 yrds. what are you guys that have a similar setup shooting? I was looking at the 150 bergers thats the obvious choice, but after some looking around i came across the matrix ballistics bullets i like the 165gr vld that they have. i think the twist rate on the savage is going to be to slow for the 165gr bullet but i have not checked to see what the twist is yet.
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