I have a Savage FP10 Police in an HS Precision stock, 24" heavy barrel, I've had this rifle for several years and only shot about 10 rounds through it mostly because I use my Remington PSS 308 for work. I've been in the gun business since the mid 70's where I worked on the retail side in a large sporting goods store where we specialized in higher end rifle and shotguns, Weatherby, Colt Sauer, Beretta, we had Remington and Rugers as well. All that to establish a level of protracted experience to say that every rifle we had in our inventory had been proof fired at the factory and all of them needed cleaning before the new owner ever took the first shot. The same is true today so to find a rifle filthy, out of the box should be no surprise. It just is what it is. I have had my own FFL and been in Law Enforcement since the mid 80's and I have developed a routine for every new weapon of any type that I put in my personal inventory. I fully disassemble the weapon, inspect everything, clean everything and if it's a rifle I adjust the trigger to my liking, install a base and rings or just rings and torque them with a real torque wrench per manufacturer specs. I install the scope, level it to the receiver and plumb line, place it back into the stock and torque the receiver bolts to manufacturers specs. Doing this gives me a solid starting point so that if things don't go as expected at the range, I don't have to wonder about any of those contributing factors that all make a big difference when shooting. I did take the barrel off of the Savage only to find that they must have assembled it in a sandbox, I have never seen so much grit and metal shaving in the threads of a barrel action. It took substantial effort to properly clean all of those surfaced and components. I wish I had a precision ground recoil lug when I reassembled everything but I didn't and if I decide to put that rifle into service, I'll get one since the factory recoil lug is garbage. Does it really matter? if it shoots it shoots and my anal penchant for precision components is just that and may have no bearing as to whether the rifle shoots well, peace of mind. If I were going to spend the money for a Savage Elite, I would likely buy a Masterpiece Arms or a Tikka UPR or Super Varmint if one were in the caliber I wanted. But that's just me...