Savage 11/111 Long Range Hunter .300 WM

If I were you I wouldn't look for a mysterious magical torque number. Savage recommends 40 in/lb max on accustocks, any less than 35 in lb is too loose to me.
I used to mess with it, I soon realized that I'm a hand loader, I tune a barrel with my load not stock torque.
If I were you I wouldn't look for a mysterious majical torque number. Savage recommends 40 in/lb max on accustocks, any less than 35 in lb is too loose to me.
I used to mess with it, I soon realized that I'm a hand loader, I tune a barrel with my load not stock torque.

I have mine torqued at 40 in/lb. I was just curious if there was something to torquing it different or not...
I have the Bear Hunter which is similar but a shorter package and with factory loads its ab absolute tack driver. I couldn't be happier with average of 1.5 inch 200 yards with cheap Winchester Power Points that I bought just for the brass so I could reload. The best and only modification I did was get rid of that factory bolt handle for an upgrade. I watched a youtube video and it took like 5 minutes to do. I mostly use a Harris Bipod and load it prior to pulling the trigger. Accutriggers are great. No trigger job needed. I keep the brake on and with so little recoil flinching is not a problem. I almost got the LRH and honestly I might still get one for my son. My Bear Hunter has a Nightforce NSX with Seekins rings which is very nice as well. I would have to pay a lot more to get a rifle that is slightly better.
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