Sabot yes or no

Everything's good. If I'm going to shoot a deer @ 250 yds, it will be with a centerfire. Usually it's from an elevated blind overlooking a corn/bean field. Flinters, on the other hand, are under 60 yds in heavy cover. After 3 months of open season, does are on constant red alert and are a challenge in close. And that's what we enjoy. Maybe not for everyone. We are carrying over 60 deer per sq. mile and work hard to kill as many does as possible. Our group only shot 15 deer this past season and should've killed more (I can only eat so many). But we still do it ethically.
I'd suggest you contact some of the homeless shelters. Most states have a "Hunter's for the Hungry" type program. They are more than happy to have the meat.

250yds??? Piece of cake chip shot with the right muzzleloader ;)
CWD is eliminating that option. Also, doesn't do much good when surrounding landowners don't do their part. If you can confidently hit deer at 250 yds with a muzzle loader, go for it! Just to be clear, I'm not actively trying to prevent anyone from hunting with an inline. During the muzzleloading season I much prefer using real black powder in a historically accurate replica. If this is offensive, too bad!
Most of Idaho's muzzleloader hunts changed to short-range weapons hunts instead, which allow inline muzzleloaders, shotguns, etc and whatever sights you want. My preference still goes old-style. T/C Renegade, 32" .54 Green Mountain barrel with a 1 in 70 twist, .535 round ball, .015 greased patch, 120 gr FFF black powder or Pyrodex P. That rifle has shot plenty of clover leaf groups at 100 yards. Then too, I keep wondering about getting a second barrel, something like a 28-32 inch .54 with a 1 in 28 twist and drive heavy buffalo bullets on top of FF or RS powder.
I think even if I went with a modern inline, I would still lean towards a properly lubed, hollow-based bullet as heavy as the twist will stabilize. The other option would be something with a driving band that engraves on loading; I've had great results from Lee REAL bullets accuracy wise, but I wish they were heavier for caliber and had a decent hollow point. My experience with sabots left a lot to be desired in terms of accuracy and velocity potential, though that was back in the mid-90s so things have likely improved quite a bit.
Sabots are great if you are allowed to use them. Make sure you have the appropriate jig on you ramrod to seat the bullet. If it is not seated correctly it will not group. Makes for quick reloads and increases accuracy on the new in-lines. However, make sure the law allows. Here in New Mexico is is general acceptable but we have a handful of units that require a "primitive" muzzleloader which does not allow them.
sabots are the weak link in a custom smokeless ML they will give up holding psi long before full potential is reached.

You sir are correct. But the expense of pre-rifling bullets is rather cost prohibitive at least for me it was. I use sabots and can get a MV of 2750fps with 245/250 grain bullets and 2400MV with 290-300grn bullets.

I see there are several bullet designs that have expanding skirts that eliminate the need for sabots and I will one day try them just fro fun.

I've been kinda out of touch with the newest technologies for smokeless ML's has anyone you know of come up with a bullet design alternative that eliminates the need for sabots i am unaware of you could share that can survive the forces generated by a smokeless ML pushing a bullet at or beyond a MV of 2750 FPS?
You sir are correct. But the expense of pre-rifling bullets is rather cost prohibitive at least for me it was. I use sabots and can get a MV of 2750fps with 245/250 grain bullets and 2400MV with 290-300grn bullets.

I see there are several bullet designs that have expanding skirts that eliminate the need for sabots and I will one day try them just fro fun.

I've been kinda out of touch with the newest technologies for smokeless ML's has anyone you know of come up with a bullet design alternative that eliminates the need for sabots i am unaware of you could share that can survive the forces generated by a smokeless ML pushing a bullet at or beyond a MV of 2750 FPS?

Any of these will do. I stopped pre-rifling bullets a couple years ago.I just smooth size them and set on top of the power so far accuracy is great and 300 gainers around 2800 easily.This is out of a full custom.
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I do u understand what you are saying and it has great merit. However, the other side of the coin is that with unlimited technology helping to increase hunter success rates will eventually be cause for shorter seasons.
A catch 22 I guess.
Like here in West Wyoming, our Game and Fish are selling way far more tags than we have animals.
Shooting long range with any type of weapon is not helping our numbers any.
Muzzle loaders are super cool way to hunt and keeping to shorter ranges where you have to stalk instead of just shooting may in my pea brain give you a satisfaction of doing things the hard way, learn to actually hunt, and help our herd numbers by the ones that got away.
Sabots, pellets, or lead, optics?
The most important thing is a clean fast kill and tracking skills so meat will not go bad before it is recovered.
As with any hunting weapon (bow, muzzleloader, centerfire), develop the requisite skill and limit your range to the distance you can shoot accurately (the ethics thing). As a general trend, we are losing hunters and this does not bode well for either wildlife management or 2nd amendment protection. Anything that keeps people in the field is a good thing in the long run.
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