Rough decapping die

James Kiser

Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2011
Augusta, Georgia
I've reloaded a few thousand rounds of 5.56, 45acp, and 7stw. I just got a lee 3 die set for my 30-06. I have other lee does and I don't really remember if they were rough feeling when de priming. Do y'all think its cause they are brand new or should I put more case slick on them to help out?
None of the 30-06 cases look bad or deformed out of it, so it may just need to be broked in lol. Let me know what y'all think.
I've been reloading a very long time and have many die sets of various brands. I've never experienced a "rough" decap or FL die.

IF you're using Lee's Universal Decap die I have no idea how it could be "rough", even if it's rusty inside.

IF you mean you're using Lee's collet neck die to decap and it's rough you should disasemble the die and clean it good, then put a dab of grease on the cone surfaces and reassemble.

IF you mean it's difficult to push your cases fully into the FL die you probably have a largish chamber and the cases will benefit from a better application of sizing lube on the lower half of the case bodies.
Before I would comment, I would need to have a couple of questions answered: 1) Is it difficult when pressing the brass up into the die, or on the downstroke when the decapping button is being pulled back over the inside of the neck? 2) What lube are you using on your brass?

Perhaps you could remove the decapping stem and then try a couple to help you isolate the problem??
Remove the decapping stem and then try another fired case or two. If things go smoothly, chances are the problem lies with the button/plunger on the stem. If the process still proves difficult, you may have a problem with the inside of the die body itself. Have you noticed any new scratches or striations on your brass casings once they have been resized? Is the resistance encountered smooth and steady, or does it feel halting and uneven?
'Rough' and 'Terminal' is a big difference. It might be rough due to inadequate sizing lubricant and 'Terminal' when you pull the case and the shell holder rips the case head off and leaves the case in the die....

Been there, done that many times. An easy fix for me. Chuck in the lathe, tap the primer hole, lock the tailstock and crank back the spindle...out comes the case.

Put some more juice on your lube pad............
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