
  • Thread starter Deleted member 110544
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Yes last year me and a buddy did a self hunt for mule deer in NM. Hunted four days, coldest it got was 57 with full moon. Animals were scares to say the least. Last day watched 5 deer at 800 yards could not see horns because of brush behind them. When they reach the top they were day lighted. Sure enough one shooter but not ethical not knowing what was beyond.

We scurried up once they got to other side to see if we could spot them on the downhill side. Got there but they weren't. Last day so We found 8 inch rock at about 800 yards from where we had come from. Put up the sticks got the rest obliterated 8 inch rock with 338.

No meat but felt good knowing we could have.
I was TBell's hunting partner that talked him into going on the hunt lastyear. One thing for sure TB is the real deal on 800 + shots. We had that mule deer skyline and had a good rest but neither of us could confirm what was beyond so called the shot off. After trying to get closer and @ different angle the wind switched to our backs and when we got to a shooting position all the deer had moved on around the mountain. So as light was
Fading, TB puts @n 8" inch rock out of its misery at just over 800 yards. This year moon phase will be better and hopefully will be cooler, I expect TB to connect on one of several deer we have located, if they survived the remaining seasons.
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