Rimfire help!

I haven't tried a 17 hmr barrel on my CZ 455 (American), but I can tell you it is a great gun for the money in .22lr.

17 or .22 would both work towards practice. Watch your .22 sub sonic bullets arc through the air on the way to hitting the paper through a 20 power scope (at 100 yds). Good times. :D

I have several rimfires. My savage .22 wmr is nice, my marlin 17 hmr is very accurate (especially for the price), my ruger can send a lot of rounds downrange quickly, but the fun factor for me is with the cz (in .22lr). I like the feel and performance of the cz, I like plinking with the .22 and I like shooting with bolt rifles.
Here is some shooting with a stock 455 22lr at 214 yards. Lots of fun. I estimate around 1.5 foot wind drift with 10 mph full cross wind.

(note, please notice, 4th picture represents common groups, the tight 3 shot groups were not the average :) for the day )





That is really impressive at 214 yards, pretty darn good shooting for any one to accomplish. I couldn't even see the target at that distance with the old rem. and it's peep sight or with any open sight for that matter. I'm thinking of buying a 455 varmet my self list price is $483 but maby it's worth it?
That is really impressive at 214 yards, pretty darn good shooting for any one to accomplish. I couldn't even see the target at that distance with the old rem. and it's peep sight or with any open sight for that matter. I'm thinking of buying a 455 varmet my self list price is $483 but maby it's worth it?

Thanks! Lots of fun :) . I use a scope on it, I like being able to see my shots as they hit. I found my 455 American for around $380 (I think list price is a bit over $400). I really like how the CZ feels like a proper rifle. I'm happy with the choice.
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