Rifles that “share” an optic?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2011
Southeast PA
Does anyone have a few rifles that share a scope set in quick detach rings? May be an odd question, but here's some background info:

I have two rifles that need glass and one rifle wearing an SWFA 3-15. The thought crossed my mind to put the SWFA into a pair of quality quick detach rings, all I'd have to do is mount it on the rifle I want to shoot that day, zero and have at it.

I have dope charts for each rifle. They all have one-piece 0 MOA picatinny rails. As long as I re-zero, I should be good, right? POI will change, sure, but how much?

I don't shoot a lot, but when I do, I prefer mid to long range precision. I'm hoping someone else does this and can confirm my theory.

Thanks everyone!
I was reading Ryan Cleckner's book and suggests not using a quick release mounting system on a precision rifle.

That said, if you used rings with the single crossbolt you could easily move it from one rifle to another. There could be a significant difference in zero between the two rifles but for a single rifle you won't be off more than a few clicks. Plan on using a torque driver to maintain consisyency.
It will work if rifle bases are about the same. Sometimes a optic will clear one and not the other. I would go with Larue rings.
I have one-piece pica tinny rails on several bolt rifles. I move glass around all the time. I have used NEAR MFG (Alberta, CA) and Murphy Precision rings for this purpose. Once the scope is moved to the present rifle, I proceed to sighting the rifle in. It's alway on paper at 100 yards. Just needs zero-ing.
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