Well-Known Member
annealing is easy
I use a set of spark plug plyers to hold the brass at the base, I then heat the neck and shoulder with a butaine, crème brule torch (your wife will know where to find one around $15.00) lay them on a cement floor in the garage then fl size after they cool. I do this every 5th load.
My 7mm rm brass is federal and on the 12th loading going stong
To each his own, but you might want to be careful about heating the base of the case while annealing the neck. The heat can soften the base through conduction, which can make it weak.
The way I anneal is to set several cases in a low wall pan of some sort and fill the pan with water until the cases are submerged about half way up. I then heat the neck and shoulder with a torch until the brass starts to change color. Then I knock each one, as it's heated, over into the water to cool. This softens the neck/shoulder area without softening the base.
But, hey, whatever works.