Rice to clean brass?

Rice & Goof Off:

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Goof off? What is it and where do you get it. I have tried rice with nothing added and was less than impressed. My wife just turned her head and walked away when I told we might as well have it for dinner. That brass looks bright.
Goof off is a paint and stain remover. I have never used for this but it does work good for what it was intended. It's a hardware store item. In the paint section.
Goof off? What is it and where do you get it. I have tried rice with nothing added and was less than impressed. My wife just turned her head and walked away when I told we might as well have it for dinner. That brass looks bright.
Yes, white rice alone will clean, but not too shiny. Although shiny brass is purely cosmetic and clean brass is all you need. However, love me some shiny brass! "Goof Off" is mostly acetone with some other additives that slows the drying of the acetone. Nothing I found in Goof Off is harmful to brass. You can get at "Goof Off" any of the Menard's, Lowes, Gas stations, etc.
Yes, white rice alone will clean, but not too shiny. Although shiny brass is purely cosmetic and clean brass is all you need. However, love me some shiny brass! "Goof Off" is mostly acetone with some other additives that slows the drying of the acetone. Nothing I found in Goof Off is harmful to brass. You can get at "Goof Off" any of the Menard's, Lowes, Gas stations, etc.
Gonna add some to my Zilla and eat the rice.
Ol Red is right brasso is not good for brass, I looked it up and some people use very small amounts with no issues but I won't use it anymore, just started using it, glad Red pointed this out, thank you.
I have a polishing compound for using with a buffer wheel on your car, comes in different grades depending on how much you want to cut into clear coat, I might give that a try but been happy with walnut shells just not the price, funny how things can be cheaper if they are being used for a different purpose. I put a cloth bag over tumbler and don't have any issues with dust unless you're talking about what's left on case but quick wipe with microfiber cloth takes care of that.
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