Revic Optics | Official Thread

I haven't had time to hunt with mine,but I have used it shooting a lot. The glass is right there with almost any of the top tier scopes that I've compared it to.
The HUD is easy to see and use,and the scope works great with or without the electronics turned on.

The only negative I have with Revic is they really need to make a video showing buyers how to set this scope up. Their 10 pages of instructions that you have to download and print off really SUCK!
I tried several times to get my ballistic data transferred from my tablet to the scope,and ended up having to call Revic and have a very nice and patient tech walk me through the process. He told me that they have to do this all the time.

The Revic PMR428 is money well spent,IMO. I'll probably buy one of the Mil/Mil versions when they finally come out.
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