LRNut, according to the reviews I read, Revic is not talking about divergence, they are saying beam orientation to narrow the vertical component of the beam. My visualization is the Revic beam is rectangular and not round. Don't ask me how they do it, you'll have to call them and discuss it. They don't make lasers, but apparently they worked with a laser manufacturer to accomplish whatever they did. I believe Revic uses Applied Ballistics and it also incorporates a full weather station, GPS, compass, level, etc. to accomplish it's calculations. It's a real intelligent system. I own the Revic PMR 428 scope with their ballistics, a full weather station, etc. If you know the range, it's hard to miss as the scope uses mag heading, temperature, tilt, slant, geo location, etc to calculate the difference from the conditions you sighted in the rifle to where you're currently shooting. For example, if you sighted in shooting up hill, at 80F, at sea-level and then went hunting shooting downhill, 10F, at 7000ft elevation, it remembers your sightin values and calculates the new shooting conditions from the sightin. It sure makes it super easy. I imagine their Revic 10b is just as capable as their PMR scope. Go to their website and do some reading instead of just guessing.