"Restoration of Gray Wolves" initiative in CO

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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2018
Not sure if this is the best place to post this but, wanted to give CO residents a heads up on one of the initiatives that will be on the 2020 ballot.

"Restoration of Gray Wolves" Initiative Qualifies For 2020 Ballot
The Elections Division at the Colorado Secretary of State's office announced today that Proposed Initiative 107 ("Restoration of Gray Wolves") has qualified for the 2020 General Election ballot.

The "Restoration of Gray Wolves" Initiative is a statewide initiative and therefore requires at least 5% of the total number of votes cast for all candidates for the office of secretary of state at the previous general election, which in this case is 124,632. This requirement is outlined by Article V, Section 1 (3) of the Colorado constitution. After reviewing a 5% sample of the 215,370 submitted signatures, the projected number of valid signatures is greater than 110% of the total number required.

Random Sample Verification Summary:

Total number of qualified signatures submitted - 215,370
5% of qualified signatures submitted (random sample) - 10,769
Total number of entries accepted (valid) from the random sample - 6,967
Total number of the entries rejected (invalid) from the random sample - 3,802
Number of projected valid signatures from the random sample - 139,333
Total number of signatures required for placement on ballot - 124,632
Projected percentage of required valid signatures - 111.80%

The Calculation of Sufficiency is available here. The text of the "Restoration of Gray Wolves" Initiative is available here. A record of all accepted and rejected signatures, including reasons for each rejection is on file with the Secretary of State.
The other initiatives approved for the 2020 ballot at this time are Senate Bill 19-042 National Popular Vote Referendum and Initiative 76 ("Citizen Qualification of Electors").

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold
1700 Broadway, Suite 200, Denver CO 80290
www.sos.state.co.us | 303-894-2200
That sad to see , I've been reading the thread about the devastation it has caused in the other states and it amazes me that the people of Colorado would want this. I would be as vocal as I could to try and stop that or the great State of Colorado will rue that day ! What a crime !
Thanks for posting this SilverBullet.
How are they funding this initiative, and who is going to pay for the management of the wolves and the damages caused by the reintroduction? I read a post yesterday that said it would all be paid out by CPW?
If that is truly the case, every single hunter and fisherman needs to understand that THEY are being asked to foot the bill for something someone ELSE wants reintroduced.

Good luck!
Yep...good luck....best thing Colorado could do is shut the entire state off to hunting and fishing......leave it all to the bird watchers..skiers..potheads..and people whom crap in and on the sidewalks....oh....I think that's the same people.....oh well you lose...

Well maybe there is a good part to wolves being there...they may chase the elk on the ranches and the state parks where you cant hunt back into the national forest........doubtful....good luck....
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If they really want to reintroduce them then a simple protection will suffice, then nature will take care of itself.
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