Repairs for old Tasco 8-40 variable scope?

Black Diamond 408

Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2003
I have a 8-40 power Tasco scope that needs work, where can i send it. Tasco will not take it because it was made before they were bought out.

If no one else answers with any real knowledge then you can call these people and see if they will.

They specialize in repairing some of the late 1960's and early 1970's scopes such as the Colorado Redfields and a wierd Army sniper scope - Leatherwood.

Iron sight Inc
4814 s. Elwood
Tulsa OK 74107

Their phone numbers are 918 445 2001 or 918 521 7736

I have never used them. I was just researching the Leatherwood scopes and happened across them as a repair shop.
Thanks Bob,
I will give them a try. The scope is too good to just throw away. I had it on a 50cal BMG for a while, the glass is not the best but ok for a test scope or put on my tactical 284 win im building.


There is a place in Florida that does the repair work on older tasco optics. The ones before they were bought out by Bushnell or their parent company anyway.

I believe the information is on the bushnell web site so you may want to look there.

Kirby Allen(50)
I sent my Tasco 24X scope back to ABO in Florida with the required starting price I got a letter from them that they recommend for $30 more they completly renew the scope internally. The turn around time was shorter than they said it would take from what I see they did an outstanding job I had specks on the glass inside when I got it back they were all but one gone which I can live with. All in all I would rate thier service 95% so all in all I paid $170 for the scope and $60 for the repair, never will I get what I have in it if I decided to sell it. But well worth it if youu are going to keep it. And to think I could of had a ton of them when they were in business DAH but no I had to have leupold now the Japenese Tasco's are in demand now. lou
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